The Fallout (The Therapist #3) - W.S. Greer Page 0,60

bathroom with me, watching me the entire time. She even put the virus on Keisha’s computer. Holy fucking shit.

I can't move. I can't think. A million thoughts and words float around in my head but I can't grasp one to make any sense of anything. I’m stunned into silence, and Ava hasn't moved a single inch.

Evelyn looks over at me, and I can tell she's just as stunned as I am. She's wondering why I’m not saying anything, but I just can't. I manage to look at her and shake my head so she knows I had no clue Ava would be here, but that’s all I can manage.

Like the genius she is, Evelyn quietly pulls out her cell phone and dials nine-one-one. The operator picks up, but Evelyn doesn't put the phone to her ear to speak. She tucks it inside the pocket on her shirt and begins to speak to Ava.

“Excuse me, miss,” she says, and Ava’s head slowly lifts. “Are you aware you've broken into someone’s home? You've broken in and made your way into the basement. This is illegal. Are you aware of that? Do you know what address you're at?” Evelyn looks over at me, my signal to say the address so the police can hear it. She’s brilliant.

“Twenty-three oh-seven, Roxanne Drive, in Magnolia,” I say, just as Ava turns to look at us.

When I see her face, I have half a mind to run up the stairs and lock the door. Ava looks like she's been crying every day since we broke up. Her eyes have dark circles around them and she looks like she has aged ten years. Her hair is strange and looks like she chopped the front of it off before trying to tie all of it into a ponytail, and I can see long scratches on her arms that look self-inflicted.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I mumble. Ava looks demented.

“Ma’am,” Evelyn goes on, her voice calm and steady as if speaking in her office to one of her patients. “If you don't leave, we’re going to have to have you arrested. Please go.”

Ava glares at Evelyn with a look of hate I’ve never seen on anyone before, but Evelyn holds her ground. I’m shocked to see her be so courageous, but I guess she wouldn't even be here if she was scared easily.

“Ma’am, do you understand what I just said? I don't want to see you get hurt or hauled off to jail over an ex-boyfriend. Please, just go,” Evelyn pleads calmly.

“Who the fuck are you?” Ava snarls, nearly foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

“My name is Dr. Monroe,” Evelyn says, falling right into therapist mode. “I’m a friend of Dr. Colson, and I can help you if you let me. Would it be okay if I escorted you outside? We can get some fresh air out there.”

“Help me?” Ava growls. “You want to help me after you came over here to fuck my man? You walk your ass down into my basement and try to fuck my man, and have the nerve to ask if you can help me. He’s mine. All of this is mine! You fucking cunt!”

In a split second, Ava jumps to her feet and charges toward Evelyn. I manage to snap out of my trance fast enough to step in front of Evelyn and protect her as Ava starts to grab at her hair and throat. She claws at Evelyn's face as Evelyn tries to back away.

“Fuck you. Fuck you! He’s mine!” Ava shouts as I pull her away, her voice sounding demonic. I have to lift her off her feet just to get her away from Evelyn. “I’m going to kill you, bitch. You hear me? I’m going to kill you! He’s mine! Mine!”

I grab Ava by the waist and start dragging her up the stairs, but she's screaming and kicking the entire way. As I ascend the stairs, Ava claws at the walls, trying to dig her nails into the concrete as I pull her up.

When I reach the top step, Ava swings her elbow around and hits me in the jaw, knocking me back. As I stumble backwards, I lose grip on her waist and she tumbles forward. I watch in horror as Ava goes careening down the stairs. Her body lands on the edges of the steps and I don't know if what I’m hearing is wood tread breaking or her bones. When she hits the bottom, her head bounces off Copyright 2016 - 2024