The Fallout (The Therapist #3) - W.S. Greer Page 0,56

said, everything has been really great,” Demi continues. “We’re not perfect, and I know I'm going to need therapy for a while to continue to help me move past everything, because it’s not like this is going to just disappear for me. Eli knows that, and I appreciate how understanding he has been lately. That’s very important to me. But, if it’s all right with you, Dr. Colson, we’d like to continue coming to therapy. Sometimes we’ll come together, and other times we might come separately, but we’re still going to come. Things are going really well right now, and I don't want to mess it up by ending this before we’re actually ready.”

“I understand completely,” I say to the two of them. “I will be here for you as long as you need me to be. You're an amazing couple, and I think you’re right—ending things right now could be too soon. Let’s keep pushing forward and build a brand new, solid foundation to build your relationship on. Cool?”

“Cool,” the Lanes say together in unison, and the three of us smile together as we all look forward to continuing to help them grow into the future.

After my session with the Lanes comes to an end, I find myself sitting at my computer typing in notes from today’s meeting. The Lanes are a fantastic couple, and I’ll keep their files open and separate for the occasions where they come to see me independently.

As I type notes into Demi’s file, my phone vibrates on my desk. When I see who it’s from and what it says, my heart starts to beat a mile a minute.

Dr. Evelyn Colson: Let’s talk tonight. The Greene Turtle. Nine o’clock.


~ Malcolm ~

I get to the Greene Turtle at eight-thirty and wait for Dr. Monroe to arrive. Parked in the last parking spot of the lot, I watch the cars as they drive in and find spaces to fit into, before squinting to see if the person stepping out is Dr. Monroe. Every time a new car drives in, my heart flutters. I’m nervous as hell.

This isn't typical for me. I don't usually feel nerves before meeting a woman, because the Dom in me takes over and I exude the confidence of a man who knows how to bring a woman to her knees before bringing her to orgasm. When it comes to Dr. Monroe, the insane way we ended our last visit has flipped things around. I don't know what she might say or do tonight. For all I know, she’ll have cops follow her into the parking lot and handcuff me on the spot for assault. I'd like to think what happened in her office was consensual, but I’ve never had anyone react that way to me going down on them, so forgive me for being a little thrown off.

As I sit in my truck up to my neck in anxiety, a red Mercedes turns into the Greene Turtle parking lot. It makes a sharp right and heads toward me before making another right into a parking space just three down from me. Even in the dark, I can make out Dr. Monroe’s flowing red hair. She opens her door and is illuminated by the overhead light as she runs her fingers through her hair and presses her lips together in the mirror. She’s absolutely stunning, and she steps out of the fancy car full of confidence and grace, wearing maroon pants with a black button-up shirt that loosely drapes over her torso. Once she’s out, I open the door to my truck and step down onto the pavement.

“Good evening, Dr. Monroe,” I call out to her as I close my door. When she sees me, she looks me up and down, admiring my black slacks and white button-up.

“Dr. Colson,” she says with a smile that seems a bit forced. It’s certainly not as pleasant as I expected it to be. I can't tell if it’s nerves or antipathy.

“Nice to see you again,” I say. I’m hoping I can smooth things over with my words, but Dr. Monroe seems to have the same guards up tonight that she had in her office.

“You as well. Let’s see if we can get seated without waiting.” Dr. Monroe turns on her heel and heads inside, not even checking to see if I’m following her. I don't feel like we’re off to a good start, but I jog until I catch up to her, and we’re seated without a Copyright 2016 - 2024