The Fallout (The Therapist #3) - W.S. Greer Page 0,31

as we moved into this new apartment. Got her business license and everything, and she's only going to grow it from here. Our next home will be even bigger, so the number of kids she'll be able to have will go up, bringing in even more money. So, it wasn't just me, it was both of us grinding together.”

Gina’s smile never leaves her face as she looks at Martin as if I’m not even at the table with them. She flicks her braids behind her shoulder and squeezes her husband’s hand as joy and love pass between them. Their love is so strong, I half expect to see their joined hands start to glow.

“We showed our baby girl what a hard-working, loving couple looks like and can do together. We’re not rich, but we’re making it work for us,” Gina says. Her eyes finally make their way back over to me, and she can see the tears in my eyes. “Are you okay, Mrs. Lane?”

“Oh, yeah I’m fine,” I reply. “You two are just so awesome together. You're what every couple should strive to be. You're more than just husband and wife who live in the same house. You're teammates in life, and it’s beautiful to see. I know you will go on to be both happy and prosperous from here on out.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Lane,” Martin says. “We hope you're right.”

“I am. Most definitely,” I say, just as I wipe away a tear before it can get too far down my cheek.

After having the Waters’ sign a few documents, we all say our goodbyes. I hug Emily hard, and wish her an early happy birthday, and feel relieved when she doesn't mention me attending her party again. I’m sad to see them go, but I have the highest of hopes for all three of them.

When I get back into my car, I start the engine, but can't bring myself to drive away. My eyes fill with tears, and I place my head on the steering wheel so I can cry all over it. I never would've thought a family that makes far less money than Eli and I could show me what a happy family should look like. As a society, we value money so much we forget to value true happiness. Oftentimes, the richest people are the most unhappy.

Gina, Martin, and Emily have reminded me how important happiness is. Eli mentioned how his job paid for our lives as if the money he makes should be enough to make me happy and housebound. But it was never about the money for me. I work because it makes me happy. I married Eli because he made me happy, not because his contracting company is lucrative. It has never been about the money, and it never will be.

I'd take being broke and happy over being rich and sad. I only wish Eli would realize we don't need to kill ourselves working to make a ton of money just to come home and be miserable. We should be teammates in life. All we should need is us.


~ Demi ~

Today was longer than I was hoping it would be. That’s usually how it happens. Between home visits and paperwork, the work days can definitely stretch out. Eli has always hated when I come home after him, so as I pull into the garage this evening at almost eight at night, I expect Eli will huff and puff around the house like he usually does. I’m seriously not in the mood for that today, so I sit in the car to soak in a few minutes of relaxation before I go inside.

When I finally step out of the car, I exhale before I open the door. All I really want is a glass of wine and a mellow environment right now. I’m not in the mood for fights or arguments. I’m not interested in conversations about my job or the hours I work, and I definitely don't want to talk about Eli’s mistake. For the love of God, can I please just have some peace and quiet for one night?

When I open the door leading into the kitchen, I’m greeted by the smell of baked chicken. I furrow my brow in confusion as I step over the threshold into a cloud of delicious aroma. Eli is in the kitchen with his back facing me, wearing a black tank top and white sweatpants. His muscular back is on full display, and I have to Copyright 2016 - 2024