Falling for Your Boss - Emma St. Clair Page 0,77

You’re a natural.”

Ella beams, and the feeling of putting that smile on her face has me all choked up.

Zoey and I join her, our horses having a little bit of a smoother gait. The three of us are trotting together toward the pumpjacks as they slowly dip and rise. This is an unimaginable moment, and my mind is like a 3D printer, humming and whirring as it takes in every measurement, every fleck of light, every angle, forming a rich memory I plan to keep forever.

Chapter Twenty-Four


There is something so peaceful about riding horses. It’s been a long time, but I love the sway of the horse’s gait under me, even the smell of horse and leather. I also love seeing Gavin riding on Merlin, taking the time to teach Ella.

Sam’s words have been like a chorus in my head, playing all day long from the time I woke with Ella in my arms to this moment as we ride out over Gavin’s family land. Don’t let your head get in the way of your heart. It doesn’t take that much work though, as my heart seems content to gallop on ahead, dragging the rest of me behind whether I’m willing or not.

“If you want to go a bit faster, we can canter. The gait is a bit smoother than a trot. Not so bouncy,” Gavin explains to Ella.

When Merlin and Snowflake begin to canter, my horse follows suit, and it’s much more pleasant. I can already feel how sore my legs are going to be tomorrow though. Totally worth it.

Gavin turns, flashing me a grin and a wink. After so many years of seeing Gavin only in a suit, it should be strange to see him in tight jeans and a cowboy hat, but he looks just as good. Maybe even more natural than he did in his tailored suits. I’m not sure there’s a look that wouldn’t work on the man.

Ella makes a panicked little scream, and my attention jerks to her. For not thinking of myself as maternal, I’m shocked by how quickly she’s managed to carve out a place in my heart. Snowflake is tossing her head and stamping sideways. Ella bounces around the saddle, looking uncomfortable for the first time. I slow my horse and ride closer, but Gavin is already there.

“It’s okay,” he says, putting his hand on Snowflake’s bridle. “Sit up tall and gently tug the reins toward you. Tell her, whoa. She’s testing you to see if she can boss you around. But you’re not going to let her be the boss of you, are you?”

“No way,” Ella says, and I love the girl’s grit. Especially because I see the fear she’s trying to push down.

Ella does everything right, but Snowflake gives a little hop, sending Ella sideways in the saddle with a squeal. In an instant, Gavin is off Merlin. He slides Ella off, then hands her Merlin’s reins while holding on to Snowflake as she tries to pull away, rolling her eyes back.

“You okay, Ella?” I call.

She nods, looking miserable. “I’m sorry,” she says.

Gavin drops a hand on her shoulder and squeezes. “The only one who needs to be sorry is Snowflake. You did everything right. You did great. Snowflake just needs a little lesson.”

“Need help?” I ask.

Gavin grins and shakes his head. “Ella and I have got this. Right?”

She nods, her chin set. Gavin pats her on the head, and the sight of them together turns my heart more than it probably should. He hands her Merlin’s reins.

“Ella, can you hold Merlin? Unlike Snowflake, he has manners. Just hold on right here and stand by his front legs. At most, he’ll try to eat some grass. And that’s fine. Okay?”

“Okay,” she says.

I walk my mare over, wanting to be near Ella and also curious about what Gavin’s going to do with the naughty pony. If Merlin looked judgy last night, Snowflake looks downright haughty and unrepentant.

Gavin walks her a few feet away, leading her by the bridle while Ella and I watch. What do you do with a bad pony? I wonder if he’ll just walk her to calm her down, or maybe give her a smack on the rump. Do you spank horses?

What I don’t expect is for Gavin to suddenly swing up until he’s on Snowflake’s back, looking like a giant on the small, white pony. She flattens her ears along her head and stamps her feet, moving sideways and tossing her head.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Gavin

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