Falling for Your Boss - Emma St. Clair Page 0,66

parents owned the mineral rights. So, the cattle part of the ranching faded out a bit, which was fine. It’s a lot of hard work for diminishing returns these days. Once his parents were gone, we moved into the big house”—she gestures around the room with the wooden spoon in her hand—“and about ten years ago, we decided to turn it into more of an exhibit than a working ranch. It’s delightful.”

“I’m excited to see it tomorrow.” Is it weird that I want to get my hands on a baby goat? Maybe stuff one in my suitcase when we leave?

“I’m sure Gavin will be more than happy to give you a tour.” Her face grows serious and she looks up toward the ceiling. “How do you think she’s doing? I can only imagine, knowing what little I do about Gavin’s ex. You met her, right?”

“I did.” I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t understand what kind of mother can do that. I don’t even want kids, and I can understand that.”

Her eyes widen for a moment, and I realize what I said.

“Oh, I mean …”

She waves a hand before turning back to the biscuit dough she’s cutting. “That’s quite alright. You don’t need to explain.”

But I feel like I’ve committed the ultimate faux pas, and I’m backpedaling now, needing to explain. For reasons that I don’t want to really admit, I need Gavin’s mother to approve of me. And the thing is, if I want Gavin, Ella is a part of the package. It means rethinking my stance on motherhood.

“It’s just … my mother died.”

Her chin tips up and her eyes are filled with sadness. “Oh, sweetie.”

“My dad is very strict. Always has been. He’s a great man,” I hurry to add. “I just don’t feel like I know how to do this.” I point between the two of us. “I’m not maternal. Or soft. Kids hate me.”

Dusting the flour off her hands, Norah blows a stray curl from her face. “Now don’t you give me that. I could see the way you care for that girl the same way I saw that you’re in love with my son.”

“Who’s in love with our son?”

Gavin’s father steps through the back door, Gavin right on his heels.

I am dead. Maybe I look like I’m alive, sitting at this table, clamping my jaw shut and attempting to arrange my face into the picture of casualness, but I am DOA. I can only hope and pray that he did not hear what his mother just said.

Thankfully, his mama is quick on her feet. “I was just saying how much I love my son, especially when he makes the effort to come home.” Norah gives her husband and then Gavin kisses on the cheek, winking at me over their shoulders.

They seem to have bought that, and I relax, but only a fraction. Because even if Gavin didn’t hear it, I know it, and that changes everything.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

My girlfriend has gotten too skinny. She started some workout program and now has hard muscles in place of her soft curves I love. She looks and feels great, but a man needs a little something to have and to hold, you know what I mean?

So, I started sneaking high calorie foods into her diet. I’m up to about a stick or two of butter a day.

She’s starting to look the way I like, but she’s freaking out about the weight she’s gained and wants to see the doctor for a full checkup.

Do I confess?


Buttering Her Up

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Butter Up YOURS,

Should you confess? Yes. But please set up a camera first because I wanna watch the fallout.

You are ridiculous. Stop sneaking butter or anything else into her food. Now. Then pack your bags and go.

Women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful. Your girlfriend sounds like she’s very happy with where she’s at and would be much better without someone so deceptive and controlling.

Men like you should come with a warning label.

-Dr. Love

Chapter Twenty


There is no point in asking my mother not to tell embarrassing stories about me. It would be like asking the wind not to blow or the sun not to shine. All throughout our dinner, which Ella miraculously sleeps through, I force myself to sit back and let nature run its embarrassing course.

Which means I get to hear the addictive sound of Zoey’s laughter, to watch the long column of her neck as she throws her head back. I can’t help it if

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