Falling for the Marquess - Julianne MacLean Page 0,78

eye to his philandering.

Clara wasn’t angry with Seger. The rational part of her brain knew that he had done nothing wrong, at least not that she knew of. She was angry with Gillian for saying those things, and she was angry with Mrs. Thomas and Lady Cleveland for reminding her that her husband was coveted by other women, and that he would face temptation every day for the rest of his life.

Women would offer themselves to him. Desperate, lonely women who knew how skillful he was in the bedroom. Beautiful women, who wanted nothing more than a few casual hours with an expert lover—a man who knew by instinct exactly what they wanted.

A chill cooled Clara’s skin at the thought of all the women her husband had made love to, but she was sensible and knew better than to dwell on that. It was in the past.

Later, after Seger had entered her bedroom and made love to her, he rolled onto his back and sighed. “I like being a married man.”

Clara tried to smile. “More than being a bachelor?”

He turned his head on the pillow and looked at her. “With you as my wife, definitely.”

She considered that for a moment. “But what if I were sick for a month? What would become of our marriage if there was no sex? Would you wish for a different wife then?”

He rolled to face her and rested his cheek on his hand. “I told you before that I desire no one but you.”

Desire, yes, but love? Will you ever love me like you loved Daphne?

“You’ve asked me that question before,” he said, “and I’ve answered you, yet here you are asking again. Is it because of what happened at the assembly last night?”

Clara realized how foolish she was sounding. He was right. She had asked this question before and he kept giving her the same answer. She had to try to accept it.

“I’m sorry, I’m asking silly questions. I think it’s because of the conversation I had with Gillian this morning. She said some things….”

He frowned. “What did you talk about?”

Clara hesitated, not sure if she should tell him, but then she decided it was worth discussing. Perhaps it would bring them closer together on an emotional level, which was what she wanted after all.

“Gillian told me that she saw what happened with Mrs. Thomas, and she congratulated me for not making a fuss. She said that if she were your wife, she would give you the freedom you needed.”

His eyebrows drew together. “I cannot believe you had this conversation.”

“Neither can I. All day long I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Gillian might be.... Is it possible that she might be in love with you, Seger? Have you ever suspected it?”

Seger sat up and gaped down at her. “That’s ridiculous.”

Clara sat up, too, hugging the covers to her chest. “Is it?”

“Of course. She has never so much as glanced at me in that way. She thinks of me as a brother. I cannot even imagine such a thing.”

“But if you could have heard her talking this morning. Haven’t you noticed how she’s been dressing lately? How she’s been changing the way she looks?”

“No, I have not. I think you are letting your imagination get the best of you, and you always seem to think the worst of me.”

“No, I am not accusing you of anything, Seger. I believe it is all on Gillian’s side, and maybe she doesn’t even know it herself.”

“Know what? That she wishes she were my wife? Good God, if she doesn’t know it, it hardly seems possible that you could.”

“I just sensed it.”

He got out of bed and pulled on his robe. “This is absurd, Clara. I understood your reservations about marrying me in the beginning, and I understand if you are upset about Mrs. Thomas’s solicitation last night, but this, Clara—this is getting out of hand.”

Her temper began to rise. “You think I am having delusions?”

He sighed with resignation. “I think you are worried about your decision to marry me because of what happened last night, and it has caused you to be irrational.”


“Gillian is just a girl,” he continued, “a shy, quiet girl. She’s not like Mrs. Thomas, so do not think what you are thinking. To tell you the truth, I’m getting tired of your lack of confidence in me. I told you I would be a faithful husband, yet you keep bringing up this sort of thing. I’m tired

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