Falling for the Marquess - Julianne MacLean Page 0,73

womb. She wanted a baby with him. She wanted to do and share everything with him.

Slick with sweat, he collapsed on top of her and held her for a few minutes, then rolled off her and smiled.

“I have only one question,” Clara said.

He turned his head on the pillow to look at her.

“I don’t want to be presumptuous, but when is dessert being served?”

He laughed out loud and rolled to face her. “As soon as my cake rises, darling.”

She laughed as well and nibbled on his earlobe. “How long will that take?”

“Not long.”

She slid her hand down his muscled chest. “The main course was delicious, but you’re right—even when I’m satisfied, I’m still hungry for a little more. Strange, isn’t it?” She leaned up on one elbow and laid a trail of kisses down his abdomen. “Do you mind if I turn up the heat in your oven?”

Seger lifted his head to look at her. “Kitchen skills too?” He weaved his fingers through her hair, then closed his eyes and relaxed back down on the pillow. “I had no idea I married a woman with so many hidden talents.”

“I don’t mean to brag,” she replied, “but I’m a very fast learner.” And down she went.

Clara woke the next morning to bright sunlight streaming in through the windows. Seger’s arm was stretched across the bed, just below her pillow in the crook of her neck. She was still naked.

This was bliss.

She inched a little closer, admiring Seger’s beautiful face as he slept. She touched her nose gently to his, wanting to kiss him but not wanting to wake him, for they had slept very little the night before. Chivalrous to the end, he had given everything to her pleasure, delivering ecstasy again and again, and for that, he deserved another hour of slumber.

Gazing at his face as he slept, looking at his peaceful countenance and the divine structure of his cheeks and nose, she felt drunk with fascination. She remembered the exquisite feel of his hands on her body in the darkness, and the way she had opened herself to him. He was a man of infinite skill when it came to a woman’s desires. His energy was limitless, his desire to satisfy never ending. She had been exhausted when dawn came. Then he’d finally let her sleep, knowing with certainty that she was fulfilled. Her hunger for what he offered had been satiated, her thirst quenched, and afterward, she had slept better than any other night of her life.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. Seger awakened sleepily, gazing around as if he didn’t know where he was. As soon as he saw Clara’s face, he rolled toward her, took her into his arms, and tried to go back to sleep.

“Seger, the door,” she whispered.

The knock sounded again, and he lifted his head. “Who is pounding at my door the morning after my wedding night? It had better be important.”

Sluggishly, he rose from the bed, pulled on his robe and went to see who was knocking. He opened the door a crack and Clara recognized the butler’s voice.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, my lord, but there is a gentleman caller here to see you. He says it’s urgent.”

“Urgent? Who is it?”

“His name is John Hibbert, my lord.”

Seger stepped back and began to close the door. “I don’t know anyone by that name. Tell him to come back later.”

The butler persisted. “He says it concerns Miss Flint, and it is a very urgent matter.”

Seger held the door half open. “Gillian? Has something happened? Tell him I’ll be right down.”

“What’s going on?” Clara asked, tossing the covers aside and slipping out of the bed. She reached for her wrap and pulled it on.

Seger pulled on his trousers. “I have no idea, but I must find out right away.”

“Yes, of course you must.” With no shortage of concern, Clara watched him leave.

Chapter 16

Seger entered the drawing room where the gentleman was waiting. He wore a shabby-looking suit and held a bowler hat in his hands and straightened uncomfortably when he locked eyes with Seger.

“Sir, you have disturbed me at a most inopportune time. I hope this is important.”

The man spoke shakily. “It is, my lord. Gillian Flint...is she a relative of yours?”

“A relative by marriage, yes. She is my stepmother’s niece. What of her?”

The man turned his hat over in his hands. “I regret to inform you that Miss Flint fell from her horse in front of my house this morning. She was

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