Falling for the Lawyer - By Anna Clifton Page 0,18

for a few years and know what I’m doing …”

“That’s enough,” Alex interrupted. “I’m not going to stand here while you insult me. I’d like those files back thanks—I’ve got work to do this morning.”

“I’ve already taken care of them.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know what Jonathan was thinking; a baby PA like you with work like that. It should be with lawyers. That’s where it’s gone.”

“Do you mean you’ve handed on work to others that he asked me to do this morning?” Alex whispered in disbelief. “Who’ve you given the files to?”

“Yes, I’ve handed them on and no, I won’t be telling you who has them.”

“So what am I supposed to say to Jonathan when he asks me whether I’ve done the work?”

“You can tell him I’ve taken care of it, of course,” Vera replied casually before turning on her heel and marching out of JP’s office.

Alex could hardly breathe. For two years she’d had an impersonal but manageable working relationship with Vera Boyd—no more.

Somehow David Griffen’s departure and Jonathan McKenzie’s arrival had changed everything. As far as Vera was concerned the gloves were off. She was not going to risk losing her position as dominatrix of the litigation section over a little pip-squeak like Alex Farrer.

Alex wandered back to her desk, her hands shaking and her heart racing. Vera’s vicious suggestions had left her breathless but was she right? Had she dressed up that day to impress JP and try to keep her job? Was everyone in litigation looking at her and thinking the same thing?

A warm rush of self-conscious embarrassment filled Alex’s cheeks as she fought to overcome an almost overwhelming urge to run out of the building, into the first dress shop she could find and buy the saddest and most unflattering outfit available. Yet changing outfits part way through the day would only make everyone think she was crazy as well as ambitiously cunning.

Oh God, what a morning. To think she’d been looking forward to coming into work and all of a sudden her day was turning into a bigger nightmare than the one before. Perhaps Simon was right. Perhaps she was wasting her time trying to build her career in a legal office when marriage and motherhood were just around the corner anyway.

Alex slumped desolately into her chair. Having absolutely no work to do she spent some more time on the precedents but was completely unproductive. She was far too distracted by the nervous dread with which she waited for JP to arrive and find that not only was she idle but she hadn’t done the things he’d asked her to do.

It was nearly lunchtime before Alex’s phone rang for the first time that day. She’d guessed earlier that Vera had organised for JP’s calls to be diverted to her own phone so when it finally rang it startled her out of her thoughts with a jump. Trying desperately to focus she swallowed and answered it with an efficient sounding ‘hello’.

“Alex, it’s me.”

Alex’s heart leapt. He didn’t have to say who it was. She would have known that voice anywhere. “I’ve just stepped out of a meeting for a minute so I haven’t got long. Has the brief gone out and the other work been done?”

Alex couldn’t reply and silence reigned over the phone. How could she even begin to explain what had happened with Vera that morning and yet JP needed an answer and fast.

“Alex, are you there?”

“Yes, I’m here,” she answered, the blood pounding in her ears.

“Can you answer me then? I don’t have much time.”

“I haven’t done it,” Alex blurted.

“You haven’t done it!”

“No.” Alex knew she should be trying to explain things but couldn’t find the words to do it.

“I thought I could rely on you.” JP’s voice was rising in anger and disbelief on the other end of the line.

“You can, JP …”

But he was too furious to wait for the end of her sentences. “Clearly I can’t. I had a good feeling about you Alex, about how we could work together, but I must be losing my instincts.”

“JP please, let me explain …” Alex begged, but he was too riled with her.

“I haven’t got time to hear your excuses. Anyway, what possible excuse could you have to let me down on this when the notes I left on your desk made it clear you were to deal with these matters first thing this morning. Have you got the files with you?”


“Then who does?”

“Vera knows where …”

“Vera? Is she back?

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