Falling for Angels - Hazel Hunter Page 0,6

bunched up my fist, which like the rest of me now had long spines shooting out of it, and rammed it through his chest. “You should have stayed in Loch Ness.”

The demon’s body turned into goo that slithered off my arm and dissolved. I turned just as Tyree reached me, daggers in both hands.

“No hugs until I’m out of the water,” I said as my spines began to retract.

He leaned in and kissed me anyway.

Chapter 6


Simidh McGillean asked me to wait a bit before we got married. As the laird’s bodyguard he had extra duties, especially now that this Very Important Chieftain was coming to Mull.

“I get it,” I said as I glared into his gorgeous green eyes. “The VIC is more important than me in my prettiest dress, the big party, and then a night of…” I waggled my brows.

“’Twill be soon, sweetheart.” Simidh kissed the tip of my nose. “When the Skaraven have gone, then we’ll wed.”

To avoid sulking I helped Tory carry her stuff over to the garrison, where she was moving in with Tyree. They had a room at the top of a tower with a view of the loch—not that I was ever sticking a toenail in it again.

“I can’t believe you volunteered for swim patrol,” I mentioned as I frowned at the dark water. “If that monster has friends, you could end up piranha kibble.”

“Eh. I’m not too tasty when I go sea-urchin.” Tory took the gowns I was holding and carried them over to a big trunk. “You tell Simidh about your power, Miri?”

“Not yet. I’ve got too much baggage.” I squinted as I saw someone step out of the forest. “Jake.”

She made a puking sound. “Please don’t tell me you miss your creepy ex.”

“No, I mean Jake.” Disbelief made me recoil from the window. “He’s right down there.”

Tory hurried over, but by that time he’d vanished. “Are you sure? No way Jake was on the plane.”

Of course not. I hugged myself. “Must have been one of the guys.”

As soon as I got Tory settled I went downstairs and out to the spot where I’d seen my ex. All I found were some animal tracks leading into the forest.

The horns sounded from the guards as a bright streak ran down the center of the loch, and a huge, black-haired warrior rose from the water with a beautiful redheaded woman and a streaky-haired guy who held two blades as he looked around like he was Secret Service.


I heard Jake’s voice inside my head, and now I could see him, watching me from the shadows in the forest. He stowed away on the plane, I thought, and panic shot through me. What was I doing, marrying Simidh? Jake had always loved me more than life itself. Hadn’t he told me that a thousand times? Hadn’t he promised he’d never let me go?

I turned and ran, and collided with Deb and Gayla as they came out of the castle. We all went down like dominoes. The VIC and his crew came right over to us, and the strawberry blonde helped us to our feet.

“Hi, girls,” she said in a soft southern American accent. “I’m Althea. This is my husband, Chieftain Brennus Skaraven, and our War Master, Cadeyrn.”

Deb started to perform introductions as I felt my throat tighten. Scary-looking as he was, I sensed I could trust the chieftain.

“My lord,” I said to Brennus, and then extended my hand. “I need to show you something.”

The chieftain gently engulfed my fingers with his, closed his eyes for a moment, and then looked past me. “Cade, Althea, take the lasses inside. I’ll be a moment.”

The war master herded the girls into the castle while I guided the chieftain back to the spot where I’d seen Jake from the tower. He crouched down to inspect the animal tracks, and then peered into the woods before he regarded me.

I called out, “Jake, I’m here.”

Come to me.

I headed into the woods, watching all the shadows around me. After a minute my ex stepped out from behind a big oak, his soft brown eyes smiling, his tall, slim body just as elegant as ever. He even had the little dent in his chin.

“Miranda,” he whispered, and his beautiful mouth hitched. “I know how much you love me.”

“More than anything,” I admitted. “Until I met Simidh, I thought I deserved being your punching bag. That’s why I called your parents from the airport, and told them everything. They promised they’d get you help. I

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