Falling for Angels - Hazel Hunter Page 0,39

and center, girl?”

“Yaaaaaaas.” The laugh that followed our agreed-on code word sounded tired. “Deb’s all wrapped up in Lola’s mind movie. You can untie me now.”

Before we could do that the chamber door flung open and Griogair and the MacMaren rushed inside.

“Gabrielle?” the captain demanded as he hurried to his wife, who nodded. He tore off the vines and lifted her into his arms. “Why didnae you wait for the druid?”

As Coco explained I noticed the laird stayed back and watched them. I recognized the shuttered look on his face; I’d worn a similar one since birth. I went to him and touched his arm.

“She’s worth the wait,” I murmured before I slipped out of the room.

Miranda had me wearing a linen gown instead of the pants I preferred, but all I had to do was hike up my skirts to run through the passages and out to the stables. The love of my life had been working nights, and still lay sleeping up in the hayloft.

I stretched out next to him, and watched him. He would always be the best-looking guy in the clan—for eternity, actually—but that didn’t matter to me. It was the look in his eyes when he opened them and saw me that made my stony, stingy little heart swell with love.

“Hey, Handsome,” I said softly. “I’m back in my own body.”

“Thank the gods.” Ualan pulled me on top of him, and kissed me, and looked at me as if I was the most beautiful girl in the squad.

In that moment, I think I was.

Chapter 32


My day started with a very wet dove plopping on my shoulder. Val and I had gone out to collect deadfall for kindling when the bird landed on me in a flurry of drippy feathers. I felt it slump against my neck as if it were exhausted.

“Coco, that’s one of Gill’s messengers,” Val said as I gently cradled it in my hands. “Wonder why it’s soaked. It hasn’t rained for weeks.”

I could smell salt. “It’s been dunked in sea water.”

We carried the dove inside to the hall, where the two lairds, Sorley and my guy stood studying a map of the island. After I explained what had happened, Gill carefully removed the tiny scroll it carried before he gave the tired bird to a guard to take to the aviary master.

“The parchment, ’tis been waxed.” Bits flaked off as he unrolled it, and then read the message. “Fack me. Thousands of calpa swarmed your ships when they sailed for our shores, MacMaren, and near sank half before they retreated.”

“Why should they retreat?” Sorley asked. “We cannae drown.”

“We’ve mortals serving on our crews. My men wouldnae risk their lives.” Sinclair gave Gill a grim look. “’Tis a telling move. The calpa mean to attack your island from all sides, and soon. They’ll first strike the village to feed, and then slay the druids so they cannae provide you aid with their magics. Only then shall they come for your clan.”

“Captain, War Master, send patrols with horses and carts to the village, the farms, and the druid settlement. Order them bring back all at once to shelter here at Dun Dorchas.” Gill regarded me and Val. “My ladies, Isabel went to bring our prisoner her morning meal. Tell her we need ready for another two hundred before nightfall.”

“On it, my lord.” Val and I went to get Coach Jennings from the dungeons.

We found her watching Ruith pace back and forth. I didn’t like looking at the dark druidess, who had hijacked Deb’s body before kicking out her soul, which I currently hosted. As Val related the news to Coach, I saw the dark druidess stop and turn to eye me.

Her lips curled into a snide smile. “Fair morning, Sister.”

“Now I’m your sister? Before I was just the slut you wanted killed.” I weighed the air with my hands. “No difference to you, far as I can tell.”

Ruith came to press herself against the bars, and whispered, “Strike down these two and free me. For your loyalty I’ll permit you live.”

“So tempting.” I fluttered my lashes. “But think I’ll pass.”

“You call your friend bae as she’s before anyone else—prove it.” The druidess nodded toward Val. “Put the borrower in here with me, and I shall return Deborah to you.”

I knew Deb could hear what she was saying, too, but after the Grove of Stars I wasn’t worried. “You’re so clueless you should be named Cher.”

Coach ignored Ruith altogether as she said, “Come on, ladies.

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