Falling for Angels - Hazel Hunter Page 0,13

couldn’t do even if we were back in my time; the foals had already grown too large. I saw his expression and added, “We sacrificed one of the foals to save the other and the dam.”

His jaw tightened. “’Tis brutish, lass.”

“So is watching three horses die.” I went to the wash stand to clean up with him, and then got one of the pack horses out to hitch to the hay cart.

Conor rode with me to a neighboring farm that provided most of our hay. Out on the fringes of the pastures a herd of wild horses stood watching us. I’d seen them a few times, but it seemed like there were a lot more of them now. Their lead stallion was a huge black with fiery eyes.

“Fack me.” Conor jumped down from the cart and drew a dagger. “Drive back to Dun Dorchas, Jaime, and tell the lads we’ve trouble here.”

I saw the wild herd stampeding toward us, and got down and unhitched the plow horse before I mounted him.

“Give me your hand,” I told Conor, and when he gave me an exasperated look I glared back. “You’re immortal, not unbreakable. Come on.”

He swung up behind me, and I tugged on the reins, wheeling the mount about before letting him go. We broke into a fast run, and when I glanced back I saw the herd engulf the cart, which they smashed to pieces.

Conor tucked his arms around my waist as we galloped down the road. “Ride to the stables, and jump the fence at the back pen.”

“Are you insane? They’ll trample anyone in their way, and attack our herd,” I countered.

He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck. “I trust our powers.”

Our powers?

When we reached the castle, I jumped the pack horse into the pen behind the stables. Conor immediately jumped off and ran inside, leaving me to watch the wild horses galloping toward me. I did my druid thing, and they stopped a few feet from the pen.

I turned around to see the stable master leading our pregnant alpha out into the pen. “You are crazy.”

Conor walked the mare up to the fence, where the big stallion leading the wild herd walked up and nuzzled her. “Open the gate, lass, and use your power on the lead.”

I focused on the stallion as if he was the most beautiful horse I’d ever seen. He led the entire herd into the pen. I saw strange scars on their flanks, as if something had latched on with very sharp teeth. “Please tell me we didn’t just pen a herd of calpa.”

“Most are runaways,” he said as he closed and latched the fence. “The stallion, he’s been herding them.”

I watched the stallion nuzzle the alpha mare with all the affection of a smitten lover, and then I realized something else. “Conor, all of these horses are pregnant.”

“Aye.” He walked up and stroked the stallion’s neck. “You’re a good lad, eh? Mayhap but half calpa. I reckon you’ll help us fight them.”

“Not that I want to wreck your bromance,” I said, “but how are we going to care for these mares? And what will they birth?”

“When their time comes, they’ll tend to themselves. We’ll help if they’ve need.” He came and tucked his arm around me. “We’ll love whatever comes for us, lass. Just as we’ve done with each other.”

“I’m not all the way in love with you yet,” I lied. “Maybe you should sleep with me. That might decide things.”

Oh, boy, did it.

Chapter 12

Lace and Velvet

Being cheerleaders with druid blood has some perks. My squad and I survived a plane crash to join the immortal McGillean Clan in fourteenth-century Scotland. Lots of the girls had awesome powers now, too. I hadn’t developed one yet, but I hoped one morning I’d wake up and be like Wonder Woman.

Lately we’ve been dealing with water demon horse shifters called calpa. They’re emo cannibals—they turn into someone you love so they can eat you. Our stable masters recently caught a black stallion they think is half-calpa.

Ever since I first saw the big brute I felt hypnotized.

“Lacey, are you nuts?” Deb pulled me back from the pen, and scowled at the stallion trotting toward us. “Shoo, monster.” She snapped her fingers, her druid power sending up a burst of sparks.

The horse gave her a disgusted snort and trotted back to the herd.

“Hey. Hey.” She poked me, hard. “No cap, Lace, you need to swerve. Or do you want that thing to eat your face?

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