Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,83

I told you I can't do that until this deal with the inn is done. I can't risk Roger taking it from me."

"Why? Isn't our relationship worth more than some deal? Is this about money? Your status at the firm? What?"

"Sophie, please, just give me more time."

"Then I want time too."

"Meaning what?"

"I think we should take a break from each other. It hurts too much to be with you, but not actually with you. I think we should stop seeing each other until we actually can."

"What are you saying? You don't want me going to Vermont?"

"No." A tear slips down my cheek because this isn't what I want. What I want is for him to agree to be with me, all the time, not just on weekends. I want him to stop trying to hide our relationship and stand up to Celine and her father.

"I don't want to agree to that," he says. "I still want to see you. I need to."

"I'm sorry, Aiden, but I think this is how it has to be, at least for now."

The phone goes silent, then I hear him let out a breath. "Goodbye, Sophie."

"Bye, Aiden."

I end the call and break down crying. Why didn't he fight for us? Why did he pick his job and this stupid deal over us? Why is he letting Celine have all the control?

The rest of the night I lay in bed, crying, feeling like we just broke up. I don't know how we come back from this. I feel like too much damage has been done. Too many words have been spoken. Too much trust has been broken.

I thought Aiden was the one. But he's just another guy who broke my heart.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I'm back in Vermont, alone this time. I haven't talked to Aiden since I suggested we take a break. I'm now regretting that break because I miss him more than I can describe. It's even worse when I'm here. Everything reminds me of him. And staying in this room? The one we shared? The one where we first made love? It's almost unbearable.

When I arrived here last night I asked Tom for another room but they were all booked. It's near the peak of fall color and tourists have taken over the inn and the town. Every tree is bursting with color—orange, red, and yellow dotting the landscape in a way that has to be seen to be believed.

It's sad being surrounded by all this beauty without being able to share it with someone. I would love for Aiden to be here right now, but another romantic weekend with him would just make it harder when we go back to New York. My heart can't take this constant back and forth, especially when I'm not sure I can trust Aiden.

It's been a long day of trash pickup so after a quick shower, I head down to the bar for a drink. I should probably eat, not drink, since I've barely eaten all day, but food doesn't sound good right now. Plus, a tourist bus arrived a few minutes ago and filled the entire dining room.

"Manhattan?" Charlie asks, smiling as he sets a coaster in front of me.

"You have anything cheaper?" I ask, picking up the drink menu. "I'm kind of short on funds right now."

That's an understatement. I shouldn't even be having a drink but I really need one right now.

"Don't worry about it," Charlie says. "It's on Aiden."

"What do you mean?" I ask, my heart racing as I check around the bar to see if he's here.

"It goes on his credit card," Charlie explains. "He told Tom any and all charges are to go on his card."

"When did he say that?"

Charlie shrugs. "A couple days ago? I'm not sure. All I know is you're not supposed to pay."

Is this Aiden's way of trying to get me back? If so, it's going to take more than that. I want us to be together in New York, like a real couple. Why can't he just agree to that? What is he not telling me?

"What do you think?" Charlie asks. "Manhattan or something else?"

"I'll have the Manhattan," I say, deciding to just get it and let Aiden pay for the charges. I might as well. He's the reason I'm stuck up here, missing work.

There's a big event tonight and Bianca said Beverly was furious when she found out I wouldn't be there. It's not even my event but I helped with it and apparently wasn't supposed to

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