Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,72

imagine him with Celine, at her apartment, in her bedroom. I quickly wipe away that thought, knowing he'd never do that to me. Even thinking he would shows how exhausted I am. My mind goes strange places when I'm tired.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I get into bed. The event is finally over and it was a huge success. I'm definitely getting that promotion. I'll be able to pay my rent and won't have to leave New York. Things are finally turning around. I knew if I worked hard enough, I'd survive in this city. Finding the man of my dreams is an added bonus. A big one.

And on that happy thought, I fall asleep.

Chapter Nineteen


It's been a long week, with highs and lows that have left me actually looking forward to a weekend of picking up trash. The highs were the compliments I got from Bianca for doing a great job with the dinner last Saturday. It was followed by getting the promotion I so desperately wanted. Bianca took me to lunch on Wednesday to tell me, then we went for drinks that night to celebrate. It's not official yet. I'm waiting for Beverly to sign the paperwork. She's out of the country this week so I have to wait until she gets back.

As for the lows, they mostly revolve around Aiden. I haven't heard from him much this week. When I text him he takes forever to text back, and when I call he doesn't pick up. We had two video chats but they were brief, lasting less than twenty minutes. I feel like he's been avoiding me but he assures me he's just busy trying to get the offer ready for Tom. He wants to present it to him tomorrow.

The offer would've been done sooner if it weren't for Celine. In addition to the two events she made Aiden go to, she also convinced him to go to dinner with some of their friends. It was for a friend's birthday, so I guess I can understand why he'd go, but he didn't have to play along with being Celine's boyfriend. Then last night, she showed up at his apartment to pick up a sweater she claims she left there. Not surprisingly, she couldn't find it, but it was enough of an interruption that Aiden didn't get his work done.

So now, instead of meeting me in Vermont tonight, Aiden's in New York finishing up the offer. I was hoping we'd get to spend the night together but instead I'm alone. I know it's been a crazy week, for both of us, but I can't help but feel like something's off between Aiden and me, like he's pulling away or losing interest.

As I pull up to the inn, I feel sad knowing Aiden won't be there. Like he said, it's become our place. This whole town has, so being alone here just doesn't feel right.

"We missed you," Tom says, greeting me with a welcoming smile as I come through the door.

I laugh. "It's only been a couple weeks."

"How'd the event go?"

"Great!" I stop at the check-in desk, setting my bag down. "I got the promotion."

"Congratulations! I think that deserves a bottle of champagne at dinner tonight. On the house."

"I'd love that, and thank you for offering, but I'm skipping dinner tonight. I'm just going to go up to my room."

His brows furrow. "Aiden's not coming?"

"He had to work. He'll be here tomorrow for the meeting."

"That's a shame. But you'll both be here tomorrow night?"

"Yes." I smile just thinking about it. It's been almost two weeks since Aiden and I have been alone together. I'm counting down the seconds until he arrives.

"Here's your key." He hands it to me.

"Thanks, Tom. Tell Lois I'm sorry I'm missing dinner."

"Will do. If you'd like, I could bring something up to your room."

"That's okay. I'm not really hungry."

I pick up my bag and head to the stairs.

"Can I help you with that?"

I turn back and see Aiden standing there, a big smile on his handsome face.

"Aiden!" I drop my bag and jump into his arms. "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow."

"I wasn't, but I couldn't stand the idea of you being here alone." He kisses me. "Or another night without you."

I hug him, and don't let go until I'm convinced he's really here and I'm not just imagining it.

"Should I reserve a table for two?" Tom calls out from behind the counter. "Around eight-thirty?"

"Sounds great," I say, keeping my eyes on

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