Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,6

know what happens."

"I will. Talk soon!"

"Yeah, bye." I set my phone down and move the flowers to the small table that's next to the door. I lay down on the bed, looking at the bouquet and trying to remember the last time I got flowers. It's been years, probably at least three or four.

My phone chimes with a text. Did you review the spreadsheet?

It's like Bianca knew I was just starting to relax. I get up and go over to my computer bag. I take the laptop to the bed and fire it up, my eyes going back to the flowers as I wait for the files to load.

Bianca texts again. Are you there? Why aren't you answering?

Looking at it now, I text back.

Reviewing the spreadsheet should've only taken a few minutes but ends up taking two hours because Bianca insisted on going over it on the phone with me, talking through every detail and having me make changes.

Now it's four and I never got the nap I wanted to take, or the walk I'd hoped to go on. I didn't even have lunch. I lost the whole afternoon because of work. I love being an event planner but Bianca makes it far more complicated than it needs to be. She's someone who works because she doesn't feel right if she's not constantly busy. She doesn't know how to relax, and doesn't understand people who do.

After a quick shower to wake myself up, I go down to the inn's restaurant for dinner. It's early and nobody's here. There's a small bar so I sit there instead of at one of the tables.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asks. He's cute. Probably a couple years younger than me with shaggy brown hair and deep dimples in his cheeks.

"Manhattan. With two cherries, please."

He gives me a smile. "Coming right up. I'm Charlie, by the way."

"Sophie," I say, smiling back.

"Going for the hard liquor, huh?" a deep voice says from behind me.

I look over and see Aiden taking the barstool next to mine.

Chapter Three


"It's my favorite drink," I say, watching Charlie pour the bourbon in the glass. It's a generous pour, which is good. After the day I've had, I could use a strong drink.

"I imagined you being more of a Chardonnay type of girl," Aiden says.

"I need something stronger than that today."

"Manhattan, two cherries." Charlie sets my drink down in front of me, showing off his dimples.

"I'll take one too," Aiden says, "but without the vermouth and the bitters. Oh, and the cherries."

"Then it's just bourbon," I say, turning to him.

"Exactly," he says with a smile.

Charlie goes to get a glass.

"Give me the best kind you got," Aiden says. "This is on the company dime."

"Got it," Charlie says, grabbing a bottle from the top shelf.

"You're here on business?" I ask Aiden.

"Maybe. We'll see."

"What do you mean?"

"Can't say. It's confidential." He checks his phone.

I stare at the bottles displayed in front of me behind the bar. Why did Aiden have to show up? And did he really need to sit right next to me? I would have been perfectly fine sitting here by myself, talking to the bartender.

Aiden irritates me, and I'm not sure why. Obviously I'm irritated by his carelessness getting me in trouble with the law, but there's something else that bugs me about him. I can't put my finger on it.

"Bourbon, straight up," Charlie says, setting the glass in front of Aiden.

"Thanks." Aiden takes a sip, then sets his glass down. "I talked to my lawyer. He said not to worry about the citation. We'll have to pay a fine but it won't be a lot."

I turn to him. "What's 'not a lot' to you?"

He shrugs. "Hundred bucks, maybe two."

"Two hundred dollars? Are you kidding me? I don't have that kind of money."

"You don't have two hundred dollars?" he asks, as if that amount of money is nothing to him. I'm sure it's not, given the car he was driving and the watch he's wearing. It's a very expensive watch and the suit he had on earlier was definitely not cheap. He's changed into jeans and a thin black sweater that fits tight on his chest. It's a good look on him. The suit was nice too. He's one of those people who probably looks good in anything.

I clear my throat. "I'm a little strapped for cash right now. I took my job for the experience. The pay isn't great, but I'm hoping to get a promotion soon."

"What do

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