Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,4

someone you'd be interested in," Aiden says.

I turn to him. "What are you talking about?"

"You said you needed a date. I know a lot of people. I know at least one guy I think you'd like."

"You don't even know me. And I never said I was looking for a date."

"You two know each other?" Tom asks, his eyes going between Aiden and me.

"Not really," I say, turning away from Aiden.

"We had a little traffic mishap on the way here," Aiden says.

"It was more than a mishap," I say to Tom. "His carelessness got me arrested."

"Arrested?" Tom says, sounding alarmed. "For what?"

I sigh. "Littering."

Tom nods. "That can get you in a lot of trouble around here. Littering is big no-no. We take it very seriously."

"I didn't actually litter. I accidentally dropped a water bottle out the window when someone's papers flew out of his car and covered my windshield." I glance at Aiden.

"It was an accident," he says.

"I understand that, but it doesn't change the fact that now I have to take time off work to drive up here to appear in court."

"Hey." He puts his hand on my arm. "Let me make it up to you. I'll take you to lunch. Or dinner. Or both."

"You really think buying me a meal is going to fix this?" I turn to him and see those bright blue eyes staring back at me. My pulse quickens and I jerk back, causing his hand to drop from my arm. I look back at Tom. "Could I have the key please?"

"Sure thing." He hands it to me, glancing at Aiden. "You checking in?"

"Yes. Aiden Mills."

"Aiden." Tom smiles. "Good to finally meet you." He shakes his hand.

I pick up my bag and head to the stairs.

"Hey," Aiden says as I'm leaving. "I really am sorry."

Not looking back, I continue up the stairs to my room. I know what Aiden did was an accident but I'm still upset about it. I'm already late paying rent this month, and now I have to spend money renting a car and driving up here again, not to mention the time I'll miss from work.

My phone rings. Macie's name appears on the screen.

"Hey!" I smile as I answer, excited I'll get to see my best friend soon. "You almost here?"

"Soph, I'm really sorry but I'm not going to be able to make it."

"What? Why?"

"The plane's delayed. I'm stuck in Chicago."

"Can you get on another flight?"

"They're all booked. The lady at reservations said I may not be able to get a flight until tomorrow sometime. Add in the drive time from the airport and I may not get there until tomorrow night. I could still come but we won't have much time. What time are you leaving Sunday?"

"In the morning." I sigh. "We'll just have to do it another time."

"I'm sorry. I was really looking forward to this."

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. I'll just have a relaxing weekend alone. It'll be nice to just have some time off."

"Maybe you'll meet someone," she says, her voice rising in excitement. "A hot mysterious stranger who just happens to be staying at the same inn."

"I doubt it. This is the type of place couples go for a romantic getaway. I'm pretty sure I'm the only single person here, well, except for...never mind."

"Excerpt for who? Is there a hot mysterious stranger there you're not telling me about?"

"He's not mysterious. And not really a stranger. Well, he kind of is, but I've met him twice now so he feels like less of a stranger."

"You already met a guy? You just got there."

"I didn't intend to meet him. It was an accident. And then I found out he's staying at the inn, which I guess isn't that surprising since there really isn't anywhere else to stay."

"Wait—back up. How'd you meet this guy?"

I tell her the story, including the part about being ticketed and having to come back here to appear in court.

"So much for a relaxing weekend," she says.

"I know, right? I finally get some time off to just chill and then this happens."

"Did the guy at least apologize?"

"Yes. I could tell he felt bad but it still makes me furious that he could be that careless. Why would he put a stack of papers on his dash when the window was down?"

"At least you didn't hit anything. You weren't hurt, right?"

"No, it just shook me up."

"So he's hot?" she asks, a smile in her voice.


"The guy. You said he's hot."

"No, I didn't."

"You implied it."



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