Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,30

no way I could survive out in the country like that, even for a weekend. And even for a man."

Celine sighs. "I do what I have to."

The two of them walk out to the hall.

My phone dings and I see Tanner's name on the screen. His text reads, Want to go to dinner tonight? Maybe around seven?

He's asked me to dinner twice this week and I've turned him down. Our first couple dates were okay but nothing great so I've been avoiding him, trying to figure out what to do. There's nothing wrong with him. I just don't feel that spark that I felt with Aiden. I'd never felt that before, but now that I have, I feel like I need to have that spark with a guy if I'm going to keep dating him.

Maybe I just need more time to feel a spark with Tanner. I should give him another chance. He's better than all the other guys I've dated since moving to New York.

Sounds great! I text back.

Really? Okay, I'll stop by at seven.

He's surprised I agreed to it, given his two failed attempts to go out with me this week. This will be our third date. He's going to expect a kiss tonight, or maybe more. So far, we've only held hands, and on our last date I gave him a goodnight hug. I think he's attractive, but whenever I'm with him I keep comparing him to Aiden. I need to stop doing that but it keeps happening before I'm even aware of it.

At seven, I go down to the street and wait outside my building for Tanner. I spot him walking toward me, wearing gray jeans, a black shirt, and a black leather jacket. If I could get my brain off Aiden, I'd be totally attracted to this guy. He's good-looking and he smiles a lot, which is rare for New Yorkers. I like that he hasn't lost his small town upbringing where people smile at each other and look at them, rather than look past them. Aiden's like that too, even though he's not from a small town. Damn, I did it again. I just compared Aiden to Tanner.

"Hey," Tanner says, coming up to me and giving me a hug. "Good to see you again."

"Yeah, sorry it's been so long. Work has been crazy."

"You can tell me all about it at dinner." He takes my hand. "I was thinking of trying that new Mediterranean place just down the street from here. Have you been there?"

"No, but I'm up for it."

"Great!" He glances at me and smiles as we walk hand-in-hand down the street.

I know I'm just holding his hand but something about it feels wrong. Why am I being this way? Tanner's a nice guy, has a good job, and he's hot. I should be loving this! Maybe I just need to put in more effort.

"I'm glad you asked me out tonight," I say, smiling at him.

"Really? Because I was starting to think you didn't want to see me anymore."


"You turned me down twice this week, and you never text me unless I text you first."

"I've just been really busy."

"It's right down there." He points to the restaurant. It's so new it doesn't even have a sign yet, just a banner suspended over the entrance.

We go inside and the place is packed. Apparently everyone else has heard of this place but me. Tanner is someone who always knows what's new and trendy. I'm always way behind.

"You think we can get a table?" I ask.

"No, but I got us two spots at the bar, if that's okay." He waves at the bartender. "I know that guy. We went to college together. He saved us some seats."

We walk over to the bar.

"Hey, man, how's it going?" Tanner says to his friend as we sit down.

"Can't complain," the guy says. "The place is packed. Been this way since we opened."

"This is Sophie." Tanner puts his arm around me. "The girl I told you about."

"Nice to meet you," he says, shaking my hand. "I'm Mark."

He has a big smile like Tanner's, and reddish-brown hair that matches his beard.

"What can I get you?"

We give him our drink orders then look at the menu. It's only one page with five options for entrees. Mark returns with our drinks and we give him our order.

"What do you think?" Tanner asks, glancing behind me to check out the restaurant.

"It's fun. Lots of atmosphere." I have to practically shout for Tanner to hear me

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