Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,15

to find a guy like that.

If only it was as easy as it sounds.

Chapter Five


Dinner took two hours, which I think was intentional. Tom kept showing up at our table, first with salads, then with homemade rolls. Each time, he'd apologize that dinner was taking so long but the sly look in his eye made me think it was all a setup, like he was purposely trying to make Aiden and me spend time together. I don't know why Tom would do that, knowing Aiden has a girlfriend. Maybe he just wants us to be friends.

Just as we're about to leave, Lois appears by our table, her hands planted on each side of her round waist. "Well? How was it?"

"Wonderful." I point to my empty dessert plate. "The blueberry cobbler was amazing. The whole meal was the best I've had in a long time."

"I'm glad," she says, smiling.

"You've got a real talent for cooking," Aiden says.

"She sure does," Tom says, coming up beside Lois and putting his arm around her. They're an adorable couple. They're both short, with Tom just a couple inches taller than his wife. They both have white hair, chubby faces, and are round around the middle.

"I'm completely stuffed," I say, leaning back in my chair.

Lois turns to Tom. "Did you tell them about downtown?"

"Yes, dear," he says, smiling at her. "I told them all about the pretty lights and how you make me walk you by them at least a couple times a week."

She turns back to me. "You have to go see it. It's beautiful. Every window is decked out in lights."

"I'm sure it's lovely but I really need to get back to my room."

"What's the rush?" Tom asks. "It's barely after seven. You're not going to bed yet, are you?"

"No, but I have some work to do."

I'm not really going to work. I'm going up to my room and straight to bed. After two drinks at the bar and half a bottle of wine, I'm tipsy to say the least. I might even be drunk. Either way, I can't be around Aiden when I'm like this. I get flirty when I'm drunk.

"I'm up for a walk," Aiden says.

"Work can wait," Lois says to me. "Go ahead, dear. It isn't far. You can go see the lights and be back in your room in no time."

She's not going to give up until I agree to this. I might as well go. Like she said, it won't take long, and maybe the fresh air will sober me up.

"I guess I could take a short walk," I say, getting up.

"Splendid!" Lois claps her hands. "Have a good time! I need to get back to the kitchen before my biscuits burn." She scurries off.

The dining room is now half full and people are waiting to be seated.

Tom looks back and sees them. "Oh! I have to go. You two have fun!"

Aiden gets up. "Ready?"

I take a moment to steady myself.

"Need some help?" he asks, offering me his arm.

"No, I'm good."

As we're walking out of the restaurant, I stop when I notice the room spinning. "I might need some help after all."

Aiden steps closer and I take his arm as we leave.

"Too much wine?" he asks as we stroll down the sidewalk that leads to downtown.

"I normally don't drink that much. I usually stop at one glass. And I rarely have a Manhattan, and tonight I had two."

"You're on vacation. You're allowed to indulge a little."

"It's not that. I'm just really stressed right now. I was hoping the drinks would help."

"Sophie, I know you're worried about the court hearing but I'm sure it'll be nothing. We'll get a fine and go on with our lives."

"It's not about this morning. Well, part of it is, but that isn't the only reason I'm feeling stressed."

He stops. "Then what is it?"

I look up and notice the concern on his face. It's the first time since moving to New York that someone has actually shown interest in how I'm feeling. In a huge city where people are always in a hurry, you tend to feel invisible. I noticed it as soon as I moved there. Nobody even looked at me. They just raced past me, making me miss the friendly smiles and hellos I was used to back home. Even Bianca doesn't greet me with a hello or a smile. It's all business from the moment I get to work. So to have Aiden, a guy I just met, show concern for me

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