The Falcons of Fire and Ice - By Karen Maitland Page 0,67

they are mostly harmless. They don’t attack ships or eat those who fall into the sea, but they are inclined to a little – how can I put it? – mischief. I believe the sea monk has on occasion whipped up a violent storm, when it is displeased.’

Dona Flávia clutched at her chest. ‘Then I absolutely forbid you to capture one, Senhor Vítor. Tell him, husband. Tell him he must not attempt such a thing. We have no wish to anger this monster.’

‘My dear, have you forgotten, we are disembarking in England, and Senhor Vítor has explained these fishes are found in the cold seas to the North. We shall be safe on land long before the ship reaches the dwelling places of these creatures.’

But his wife seemed far from reassured and glared furiously at poor Vítor as if he was the cursed Jonah and should at once be thrown overboard to save the ship.

‘And what of you, Senhor?’ Dona Flávia said, pointedly turning her back on Vítor and addressing the last man at the table. ‘I hope you are not intending to drown us all by recklessly antagonizing ferocious sea monsters.’

He pressed his hand to his heart and, half-rising from the bench, made a gracious bow, beaming first at Dona Flávia and then at me. ‘Senhor Fausto, at your service, ladies.’

The man had a pinched, drawn look as if he had recently suffered an illness, but that only served to emphasize the fineness of his features.

‘I assure you, gentle ladies, you need have no fear. I will not attempt to arouse the wrath of any dragons or monsters. Mine is a far more civilized quest and one of which I’m sure you will approve, for I am bound for Iceland to seek diamonds and gold to adorn the necks of lovely women like you.’

The merchant frowned. ‘I didn’t know such things were to be found there.’

‘Ah, there speaks a man with knowledge of the world’s wealth,’ Fausto said. ‘It is true that none have so far been discovered there, but few men have looked, for the natives of that isle care only for their sheep. But in a land where mountains spew forth fire and rivers run hot from the heart of the earth, who knows what treasures may be found? And if I find none, why then, I’ll take the next ship on to the vast lands of Canada and try my luck there.’

The merchant snorted. ‘Then you are a fool, Senhor. Have you not heard, some Frenchman by the name of Cartier went on an expedition to Canada and returned to France claiming he brought back a fortune? Seven barrels of silver he reckoned to have, eleven barrels of gold and a whole basket filled to overflowing with uncut diamonds and other precious gems. None of it was what he thought it was, and the only use there was for those stones was to fill in potholes in the road. He’d have got a better price if he’d fetched back eleven barrels of dog dung – at least he could have sold that to the tanners, isn’t that right?’ He nudged Vítor sitting next to him and laughed heartily.

But Fausto’s smile did not waver, though his eyes were cold and hard as jade. He was not a man who could laugh at a joke made at his own expense.

‘This Cartier clearly knows nothing about the diamond trade and is unable to distinguish a diamond in the rough from a common pebble. I, on the other hand, have learned my trade from the best.’

He leaned forward across the table. ‘When I was travelling in India, I came across a merchant who had the biggest and most perfect diamonds for sale. I asked him where they came from, and for a long time he refused to tell me. Then one day this merchant was attacked by a band of thieves, who tried to strangle and rob him. I saw the attack and galloped in to assist him, fighting furiously until I had helped him beat them off.

‘In his profound gratitude he offered to give me any diamond of my choice from his stock. But I asked instead to be taken to the source of these diamonds. At first he refused, but since he owed a debt of honour to me, he finally agreed to take me to the place, on condition that I allowed myself to be conveyed there and back blindfolded and hooded, so that I could not Copyright 2016 - 2024