Faker - Sarah Smith Page 0,69

cracked. A sweaty film covers my skin. I lean up, my face brushing against Tate’s glorious curls. He raises his head and our gazes meet once more. I could do this forever. I’m sweaty, cramped, bent out of shape, and painfully turned on. This could last for days, weeks, months, and never go any further and I would be eternally happy.

The sharp beep of my phone interrupts our wholly inappropriate parking lot interlude. We pull apart instantly, and I nearly laugh. It’s impressive how quickly we stop ourselves at the sound of a phone.

I fish it out of my purse and see an email alert.

“Everything okay?” Tate asks.

“Yeah. It’s just an email from my mom asking if I remember what her Facebook password is.”

Pearls of sweat dot his chuckling face. As muggy as it is outside, it’s worse in the car. Any residual cool air from when he blasted the AC has now disappeared.

“Sorry. We normally talk once a week when she’s home, but when she’s out of the country visiting her relatives, it’s messages like this almost every day.”

He laughs harder. I chuckle, then wince. The position I’m in must be aggravating my incisions.

I push off Tate and move back to the passenger seat. He braces me with his arms, making sure I don’t fall. When I’m back to sitting, I notice how the sweat highlights his physique. His arms are a perfect blend of thick muscle, veins, and golden hair.

“Still pretty sore?” he asks hesitantly, short of breath.

“Just a little.” I rub the side of my stomach. “It’s getting better. I just probably shouldn’t be in a position like that for long.”

Side by side, in separate seats, we steady our breathing. Tate turns on the car and cranks the AC once again. My scalp is soaking wet, as is the back of my neck. I gaze up at him, curious as to what the next step is for us.

He speaks before I do, and I’m relieved. “As much as I want to continue this, you need to rest.”

I’m crestfallen. Even so, I nod at him. Doctor’s orders are to refrain from any intense physical activity for four weeks after surgery, sex included. Even though my lower half is on fire and the only way to extinguish it is to engage in a bevy of lewd acts with Tate, it’s not possible right now.

I look down at my lap, trying to hide my disappointment. “I wish it weren’t the case, but you are correct.”

“I’ll take you home, then.” The dissatisfaction on his face does not match the politeness of his words. I’m grateful to see his expression though, because it means we’re both equally disappointed.

He drives the short distance to my place. When he parks in the driveway, he reaches for the bag of food. He insists I take all the leftovers, but I convince him to accept a container.

I dawdle a bit before opening the door. “So. Thanks.” I have no words in my head, and the ones spilling from my mouth manage to sound woefully inadequate compared to how I feel.

“That was fun.” He rubs the back of his neck.

“Pretty epic first dinner.”

He joins me in a laugh. We gaze at each other again, affection in our stares.

I reach for the door handle. “Good night.”

I expect to hear him say it back, to say, “Bye” or “See you in the morning.” What I don’t expect is for him to grab me by the wrist and say, “Wait.”


Is everything okay?”

He gazes at me with wide eyes, his stare emboldened. “Was this a date?”

“Honestly? I have no idea. Do you think it was?”

He swallows, and I watch the muscles in his neck flex. “I kind of hoped it would be.”

“I hoped so too.” My feelings for Tate rush through my body, settling in my chest.

“What I said last night, about wanting to take things slowly, is it too difficult for you?” When he speaks he looks pained, like he’s worried to hear my answer.

“It’s definitely not easy, but it’s the right thing to do. I’m still pretty sore.”

He shakes his head. “No, I mean, what I said last night about needing to take my time with this, with us. Does it bother you?”

“Honestly?” I clear my throat. “It wouldn’t bother me if I knew why.”

He ruffles his hair. “I’ve always been a slow mover. I take my time; I don’t rush; and I only do things I want to do. I’ve been this way ever since I was a

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