Faker - Sarah Smith Page 0,6

this homebuilding project, but we very much hope you’ll want to. No outside time will be required for you to take part. Those who choose to volunteer will be doing so Monday through Friday in shifts that fall within the eight-to-five workday. During the homebuilding days, you’ll essentially work half a day, then head to the site. Once five o’clock hits, you’re free to go home!”

Heads bob up and down across the room. I spot a few “not bad” faces. It seems this hard-to-please bunch is on board with doing a bit of volunteer work to get out of their normal workday duties.

She explains that a small group of employees with construction experience will direct the project while the rest of us will be assigned smaller-scale tasks.

Furious scribbling fills the space to the left of me. Tate’s ability to make noise in a quiet room is surpassed by none at Nuts & Bolts.

The clipboard Lynn has passed around lands in the hands of one of the guys from Customer Support. He squints at the sign-up sheet. “We start building next week? Isn’t that when that heat wave is supposed to hit?”

A sliver of worry flashes in Lynn’s eyes. “Unfortunately, yes.”

A wave of soft groans echoes through the room. A few people mutter about crossing their names off the list.

Lynn’s formerly cheery face morphs into a frown. “I’d expect more from a group of professionals.”

Awkward silence cuts the room, save for my stifled laugh of disbelief. I’ve never seen Lynn turn from joyful to disappointed so quickly, and it’s strangely amusing. I didn’t think she had it in her to be so curt. Both Kelsey and Tate turn to look at me with incredulous expressions. Laughing during awkward moments is a bad habit that’s taken years for me to harness.

Lynn purses her lips. “Everyone in this room possesses skills that could improve the life of a family in need, and you’re worried about feeling hot for a few hours a day? I’m disappointed in you folks.”

When she tuts, heads droop in shame. A few muttered sorries follow.

She crosses her arms while scanning the room. Her stance reminds me of a mother scolding her misbehaving teen in an after-school special.

“I’m certainly not going to force any of you to volunteer, but let’s try to keep in mind that the heat wave will be temporary. I’ll be there sweating it out with all of you every day, and so will the rest of management. A few days of discomfort will result in a better life for a deserving family.” Lynn’s arms fall back to her sides. “Also, food and drink will be provided at the worksite for all volunteers.”

Half the room lights up. Nothing like free food to draw people to a noble cause.

Lynn ends the meeting with some words of encouragement. “Be sure to check your email inboxes tomorrow; there’s more info on our first day of volunteering to come! And please feel free to come to me with any ideas you folks have. We want to make this project the best it can be!” She points a finger in the air. “Oh, and don’t forget, Kelsey is leaving us in a couple of weeks! She’s moving to Florida for her husband’s new job.”

Lynn makes an exaggerated sad face, using her fists to wring fake tears. Kelsey laughs and claps.

“We’re having a going-away happy hour for her at Jimi D’s next Friday,” Lynn says. “Drinks are on Nuts & Bolts till seven. Everyone’s invited!”

The room empties, but Tate remains seated. “I have an idea I’d like to run by you, Lynn.”

I stand up to leave but halt at the sound of my name.

“It involves Emmie and me, actually.”

I peer down at him. “What?”

He gestures to my chair, beckoning me to sit down. Like I’m a toy poodle he’s training.

“Oh, how wonderful!” Lynn shuts the door and joins us. I let out a sharp exhale and sit.

Tate clears his throat. “What if Emmie and I spearhead a marketing and social media campaign centered on promoting the charity homebuilding project?”

“Um, what?” I’m unable to hide my shock. Tate wants to work with me on a special project? What in the ever-loving hell?

Lynn claps her hands in merriment before Tate dives into a laundry list of ideas. There’s mention of posting in-progress photos of the house to Nuts & Bolts’ social media pages, sending press releases to local media, and a community service hashtag.

“It could take Nuts & Bolts’ online presence to the next level

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