Faker - Sarah Smith Page 0,56

size of a toddler fills my doorway. Lynn’s head pops from behind the fuzzy brown mass.

“A little get-well present!” she announces excitedly.

I let out an embarrassed laugh. “Wow, Lynn. You shouldn’t have.” The teddy bear is almost half her size. It must have cost a pretty penny. She’s a sweetheart, but this gesture is above and beyond.

“It’s not from me. It’s from Jamie from Sawyer Custom Contracting.” She winks before setting the stuffed bear at my desk. “I ran into the delivery guy downstairs and offered to pass it along to you.”

My jaw drops. Jamie. The sexy contractor I’ve been flirting with. I haven’t thought of him in days.

There’s a white card stuck to its paw with a short message:

Thinking of you. Get well soon! Jamie

“What a sweet young man to send such a thoughtful gift. I didn’t know you two were an item.” She lingers in my office, like a mom coaxing information from her child about their significant other.

“Whoa,” Tate says before settling behind his desk.

“Isn’t it something?” Lynn claps her hands before twisting around to address Tate. “It’s not often we see such a romantic gesture around here.”

“Romantic gesture?” Tate blinks away the warmth on his face. Needlelike goose bumps hit the back of my neck.

Lynn turns back to me. “That Jamie fellow must be smitten.”

I need to say something, anything, to make Tate understand this teddy bear business is one big misunderstanding, but I’m too flustered to formulate the proper words.

“We’re not an item,” I bark. Judging by the scowl on his face, I’m about a minute too late with that crucial piece of information.

Lynn’s sweet high-pitched giggle claws at my ears. “Well, he must think so by the looks of it.” She nods her head toward the gift.

A frustrated breath booms from my chest. I look past her to focus on Tate. He’s giving the bear his best death stare. I’m surprised it doesn’t crumble into itself.

“Tell Jamie nice job.” His voice is hard again. My heart sinks.

“They’re not . . . It’s not . . . I don’t know why he sent me this.” My tongue feels too big for my mouth. Why can’t I translate the dread I feel into the proper words?

The longer I stare at Tate, the harder he clenches his jaw. He turns away to his computer before I can say another useless word.

“We are not involved, I promise.” My volume is a beat under a shout. Lynn jumps slightly at the tone, while Tate remains perfectly motionless in the space behind her shoulder, still staring at his computer screen.

“Oh. Okay, then.” Lynn’s wide-eyed stare indicates my sharp tone is totally work inappropriate. “Actually, would you mind popping into Will’s office for a sec?”

I follow her inside and shut the door. Will’s eyes go wide at the sight of Lynn, who gives him a disapproving glance. He nods and kicks a box of action figures under his desk, like a little kid who’s been told to put his toys away. I’d laugh if I weren’t about to get reamed by two managers for raising my voice in the workplace. Fantastic.

I take one of the chairs across from Will’s desk, while Lynn takes the other. I’m in full-on work mode. It’s a struggle to contain my panic about what Tate saw and heard, but first I need to throw on my professional mask and get through this meeting.

“How are you feeling?” Lynn asks with concern.

“Fine. Still a little sore, but I’m doing well otherwise. Sorry about how I sounded earlier. I just—the gift was a surprise, that’s all.”

“No, I understand,” she says. All prior giddiness has left her. “If Jamie’s actions make you feel uncomfortable, you should tell someone.”

I shake my head. I just want to move past this teddy bear debacle and get out of here. “It’s not that at all. Jamie and I have become friends since meeting on the worksite. The gift was a friendly gesture. I’m sure of it.”

That’s a blatant lie. I’m positive Jamie sent it with romantic intentions, but I don’t want to get into that mess. Downplay and move on is the only way I can think to move Lynn off this topic.

“I see.” She looks relieved. “It was partially my fault for getting so excited about it. Like I said, you don’t see too many big romantic moments around here. In my day, a gift like that equaled romance. I’ve got a lot to catch up on it seems.”

I dig my claws into

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