Fae-ted to the Bear - Harmony Raines Page 0,54

something bigger and brighter than he could ever have imagined.

“When you have a couple of days off, we’ll go,” he promised. “The weather is still warm enough. We can hike up to the peak and camp. Or I could ask Ivan to take us.”

She stiffened beside him. “Ride on the back of a dragon?”

“Yes. He might take us up there and then we can camp and hike back down the next day. It’s a long way for my bear and he has four paws. On two legs, it might be exhausting.” He glanced sideways at her. “I lost you at ride on the back of a dragon, didn’t I?”

“Yes. You did.” She turned her face toward the sun as the warmth washed over them. “That would be incredible. I mean, I’ve seen them across the water. When I was young, Karros and I used to go down to the beach with his telescope and we would look out across the ocean and see them flying. They would play, winding around each other before flying away at impossible speeds. I never dreamed I’d ever get to ride on the back of one. I heard they were very proud and only their mate ever rode on their backs.”

“Ivan is incredible. Unique. But above all else, he’s my brother. We’ve ridden on his back before. He brought Penny and Milo down from the mountains after they were kidnapped by a witch. He even let Jeremy ride on his back.”

“Jeremy, oh, he’s the guy on reception at the hotel. I like him.” She smiled softly.

“Do you?” Caleb growled.

“Don’t worry, you have nothing to be jealous of.” She poked him in the ribs. “Although come to think of it, you do sound sexy when you get jealous.”

“I’m only joking around, I know you would never hurt me or even look at another man again.”

“I’m not even allowed to look?” she asked in mock horror.

“No, you only have eyes for me.” He arched an eyebrow at her. “I know you feel it, too.”

“I do,” she admitted. “And since I’ve had my whole life to look and I never found anyone, then you’re safe. I am not going anywhere.” She snuggled closer to him.

“Except home.” He sighed, the sun was rising steadily in the sky. They needed to get back to the truck and drive back to Wishing Moon Bay.

“Thank you for bringing me here,” she told him. “It’s just what I needed. It’s reminded me of who I am at heart.”

“You’re welcome. Although, I’ll admit I was also a little selfish in bringing you here. I wanted to spend some time alone with you.” He looked down at her and she cupped his face in her hand.

“I wanted that, too.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips. “We will make this work. I know we will because it’s what we both want.”

Those words were exactly what Caleb needed to hear.

Chapter Nineteen – Elise

“Back to the real world,” Elise said as they crossed out of the fae realm and into Wishing Moon Bay.

“Your world is just as real.” Caleb glanced sideways at her. “And it’s there whenever you want to visit. Don’t shut yourself off from everything you love. It’s a short journey from this world to yours.”

“I know, but I want to spend time getting to know this world. Since this is where we’d raise our children.” She smiled and ducked her head. After last night, her future seemed to have widened. It was no longer narrow with darkness crowding in, making it seem smaller and smaller as each year passed by. She had choices now that she had a mate.

“Children.” Caleb chuckled and rubbed his chin. “I can’t wait. Especially since Aiden and Flora will have children, too. We’ll be able to raise our half-fae, half-shifter children together.”

“That sounds perfect, since you and Aiden are so close, and I love Flora like a sister.” Elise’s cheeks turned pink as she placed her hand over her stomach and imagined her belly swollen with a child growing inside her. A child that would bring such joy into their lives.

“Oh, that’s my phone. Can you reach into my pocket and get it?” Caleb asked.

“Sure.” Elise still wore his sweater and jacket and so she shoved her hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone. “It’s Aiden.” An image of a face that looked almost exactly like Caleb showed on the screen. She could easily tell them apart in person but in photos, they looked eerily similar.

“Can you

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