Fae-ted to the Bear - Harmony Raines Page 0,40

will. I have something in mind, but it depends on whether I can find some. It’s a little late in the season.”

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself,” Ivan replied. “I like what I’ve seen so far. Your trial is going well.”

A big smile spread across Elise’s face. “Thanks.” She clutched her purse tightly as she hurried toward the door. “Have a good evening, Ivan.”

“You, too.” He winked at Caleb before he turned his back on them, sweeping the kitchen with his critical gaze to check if everything was ready for the evening. Ivan was very particular about leaving anything out of place in his kitchen.

It’s a habit from when we all lived here and he first started cooking, Caleb’s bear said. You do remember how you and our brothers used to come in and grab food for a midnight snack after going for a run in the mountains.

Caleb chuckled to himself. We used to raid the fridge and then Ivan would get up in the morning and find the food he’d prepared for breakfast was gone.

Exactly. His bear chuckled.

He should be grateful, Caleb answered. We helped make him into the chef he is today.

His bear guffawed. You mean because he had to get creative with his menu to make up for the fact that he never knew what ingredients he’d find missing?

Yes, we taught him everything he knows, Caleb said smugly as he followed Elise out to the parking lot.

“Karros dropped me at work, so I don’t have to take the car home before we leave.” Elise glanced at the sky. “We don’t have a lot of time to spare. Not if we want to make the most of the daylight.”

“Then let’s go. I think I remember the way, although the last time I went to the fae realm, Ivan was carrying the car in his talons.”

“You’re joking?” Elise stopped walking, her mouth open in surprise.

“We were in a hurry.” Caleb shrugged. “You can always depend on Ivan if you have a need for speed.”

“I’m beginning to see he is a man of many talents.” Elise glanced back toward the hotel.

“I’m a man of many talents, too,” Caleb insisted, ignoring the pang of jealousy he experienced. At work this morning, he’d had a frank talk with Aiden about what it was like to have a mate.

Unreasonable jealousy seemed to be one of the major changes Aiden had experienced, even toward Caleb. The merest hint that his mate was showing someone else attention would send Aiden spiraling into a fit of jealousy if he didn’t regain control quickly.

It’s a primal urge, his bear said.

Aiden said he spoke to Logan about it and it soon passes. Mostly. Caleb chuckled. Unfortunately for Aiden, his primal urge might last longer since Karros is in town. The constant reminder that Flora was supposed to marry another man grated on his nerves.

Caleb’s bear chuckled. At least we don’t have that to contend with.

“So, what are your many talents?” Elise asked, pulling his attention back to her.

“I’m good with my hands. I’m good at repairing things. I’m an okay mechanic, for the basic stuff at least. I’m also a good woodsman.” He started the engine. “I’m good at tracking and hunting. Although we rarely make a kill.”

“I suspect that might get messy when you live in a town filled with shifters.” Elise chuckled. “Just think if you caught a rabbit and it turned out to be a person.”

“I can sense whether the creature I’m tracking is a shifter or a non-shifter,” he assured her. “There have been no unfortunate shifter-on-shifter killings for as long as anyone can remember.”

“Wow. That’s a handy sense to have. You guys are full of surprises.”

“I like to think so.” Caleb drove toward the place where the town of Wishing Moon Bay linked to the fae realm. He only had to check for directions once. He remembered the route fairly well since he had driven back here from the fae realm only a couple of days ago. However, he had been tired and focused on getting home rather than the route they were taking.

“Have you only been to the fae realm once?” Elise asked as they reached the place where the two worlds intersected.

“Yes. When we were younger, we’d come here. But we’d take a more direct route. Straight across country rather than following the road.”

“You used to come to the crossing but never enter the fae world?” She sounded surprised.

“Valerie really did impress on us the need to stay away. Not

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