Fae-ted to the Bear - Harmony Raines Page 0,31

treasure.” Ivan was deadly serious.

“I understand that. It’s the reason I wanted to come and work here with you. Even in the fae realm, your skills are admired. And my people are not good at admiring anyone outside of the realm.”

“Especially not a dragon shifter.” He arched an eyebrow.

“Here’s the thing, I don’t think they know you’re a dragon shifter. I didn’t until yesterday.” Elise set her coffee cup down on the counter. “But even if I did, I don’t share their views on dragon shifters.”

“What view is that?” Ivan asked coolly.

Damn it, had she fallen into a trap? Was there any right way to answer this without upsetting her new boss?

“Why don’t I get started on those pancakes?” She went to the stove and heated the griddle.

“You avoided the question.” Ivan carried the bowl of batter over and placed it down next to her.

“I believe that it’s better to avoid a question if it also avoids disruption at work. We have guests to feed.” She half-turned to meet his eye.

Ivan held her gaze for a long moment, but she didn’t flinch or look away. “I think we’re going to get along just fine, Elise.”

She let out a long breath. “I really hope so, chef. It really does mean a lot to me that I’ve been given this chance.”

“I believe you.” His eyes glinted as he watched her ladle just the right amount of batter onto the griddle. “Although, I would like to know more about what your people think about dragon shifters.”

“Outside of work hours.” She pressed her lips together. “I’ll happily tell you everything I know about your people.”

“My people.” Ivan sucked in a long breath.

“I mean... I know that Valerie’s adopted you and that she’s your mom.” Her cheeks turned pink and not just from the heat of the sizzling pancakes. “But the dragons that live across the water are your people the same as the fae are my people even though I don’t live there.”

“I suppose I’ve never really thought about it like that.” He stared down at the stove as she flipped a pancake.

“I hope I haven’t upset you.” Great, she’d sidestepped one conversational landmine only to jump into another one with both feet.

“No.” He frowned. “I’ve never really been interested in the dragons on dragon isle. My life is here. My family is here. But they are part of me, and I’d like to know more about them and their interaction with the world.”

“You should talk to my grandmother. She lives on the edge of the wildwood and she knows everything.” Elise chuckled. “Nothing passes her by. She talks to everyone she meets and then stores little snippets of information in her head that she adds to other pieces of information she learns from books.”

“I’d like to meet her. But if she lives on the edge of the wildwood, unless she visits Wishing Moon Bay, it’s impossible.” Ivan backed away from Elise.

“You could visit her.” She put the cooked pancake on a plate, adjusted the temperature of the griddle, and then began batch cooking the pancakes.

“I can’t risk it. If your people found out I was there...”

“I can help you. There are ways of disguising a person’s true identity that most fae would never see through.” She smiled a secret smile. “My grandma is a wise woman and she’s taught me a thing or two. Or three.”

“Don’t let the pancakes burn,” Ivan warned as he turned away, leaving her unsure if she’d offended him.

As the kitchen got busy, she forgot about their conversation as she focused on keeping up with the cooking of pancakes, which Ivan mixed the batter for. She was also expected to scramble the eggs and watch the bacon.

Not exactly a test for her culinary skills, but certainly for her time management and ability to multitask.

At the end of breakfast, her cheeks were flaming hot, and her stomach grumbled with the need for food.

“Someone has been working hard.” Caleb stood in the doorway as Elise washed up the pots and pans. Not Ivan’s special pans, they were stacked on the counter and she had strict instructions not to wash them.

“It’s been busy. I don’t think I’ve ever worked in such a busy kitchen.” She rubbed her forehead with her elbow.

“It’s not just guests who come in for breakfast,” Ivan told her as he entered the kitchen from the restaurant. “Plenty of people from town come here.”

“Ivan’s food is addictive.” He made a sprinkling action with his thumb and fingers. “He puts

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