Fae-ted to the Bear - Harmony Raines Page 0,3

to examining his vegetables.

“Welcome to the family,” Aiden said drily and then slapped his brother on the arm. “Snap out of it, Caleb.”

“Sorry.” Caleb shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “It’s a shock.”

“It sure is.” Elise’s excitement at Ivan accepting her was tempered by the knowledge that if she wanted to stay here and train at the hotel, she’d have to give Caleb a chance.

A shiver of apprehension passed down her spine. Everything she wanted was within her grasp, she’d always dreamed of becoming a great chef and running her own restaurant. However, her connection with Caleb might just scupper those plans.

His touch had awoken something inside of her, something she’d never experienced before. As she stole a glance at him, a vision of them together with a bunch of children running around swam through her head.

He made her dream of being a wife and a mother, and that might mean the end of her culinary career before it had even started.

Chapter Two – Caleb

Caleb’s brain seemed to have disengaged itself from his mouth. He couldn’t think of anything to say. Instead of fighting for his mate as she tried to persuade Ivan to take her on as his trainee, he’d just stood there.

“We should all go get something to eat,” Aiden suggested, placing his hand on his twin’s shoulder. “You’ll feel better then.”

Would he? His mate was a fae.

We shouldn’t be surprised, his bear said. Not when Aiden has a fae mate, too.

True, we are so similar in everything, we should have guessed fate would spring this on us.

“I should go find Karros and tell him the good news.” Elise paused and glanced at Caleb. “About Ivan accepting me as a trainee chef.”

“Rather than about you having a bear shifter as a mate,” Ivan said drily. Caleb’s brother still didn’t look so happy about the situation.

“Thanks, Ivan.” Caleb finally moved, going to his brother and hugging him. “I appreciate it.”

“You know I would do anything for you,” Ivan replied.

“There, you and Caleb do have something in common,” Flora told Elise. “Karros will do anything for you and Caleb’s brothers would do anything for him.”

Elise stared at Flora for a moment before she sighed and turned around to face Caleb. “Thank you.”

“For being your mate?” Caleb gave a wry smile.

“Something like that.” Elise grinned. “My parents are going to be so happy.”

“Do I detect sarcasm?” Caleb asked.

“Maybe a little.” She held up her thumb and forefinger together. “But since Flora has a shifter mate, perhaps things will change in the fae realms and I won’t be ostracized.”

“Flora is changing the world.” Aiden slipped his arm around his mate’s shoulders and pulled her close.

“If you don’t mind, I do have work to do,” Ivan snapped.

“Oh, when do you want me to start?” Elise spun around to face him.

“Tomorrow morning. I expect you here before seven so you can help me with the hotel breakfasts. We’ll start with you showing me exactly what you can do.” Ivan eyed her critically for a moment. “You do know how to cook non-fae food?”

“Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, that kind of thing?” Elise nodded. “We do eat those, too, you know.”

“Great. Then I’ll see you in the morning.” Ivan shooed them out of his kitchen. “Go, I don’t need to be reminded of how many of my brothers have found mates while I’m still alone.”

“Thanks again, Ivan.” Caleb lifted his hand and waved at his brother then followed the others out of the kitchen.

“I should go find Karros,” Elise insisted as they reached the hotel reception.

“You’re sure you can’t come and eat with us? I thought you loved Ivan’s food,” Flora replied.

“I do.” She eyed the restaurant hungrily. “But I should update him on the situation.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Caleb offered.

“No!” She held her hands up to him as if she could push him away. “Thanks. But I think it’ll be better if I talk to him alone.”

“My mom would love to meet you.” Caleb didn’t want her to leave, he was scared that if she did, she might disappear as quickly as she had appeared in his life.

“How will she feel about your mate being fae?” Elise edged away from them, although her eyes flickered toward the restaurant.

“As long as her sons are happy, she’s happy.” Caleb forced himself not to follow Elise.

She needs space, she needs time to get her head around all of this, his bear advised.

She is not the only one, Caleb said. I

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