Fae Fiefdom - M. Sinclair Page 0,31

mistaken. Mind you, I realized what a lunatic I sounded like currently.

What the hell did I do now? With a heavy feeling in my chest, I walked back in and her dark head of hair stayed focused on the packet in front of her. I stared at her for what seemed like forever until the bell rang, her small frame disappearing through the classroom’s back exit. Leaving me feeling like shit.

The worst part was that I understood it. My entire life I’d only had Rain. Well, what I could remember of it. The serious fighting began when I was around three, but it wasn’t until I was older that the memories became like vivid pictures behind my eyes at night. Rain and I had both watched our parents die at the hands of the enemy.

Both of us had been able to escape, to what we assumed was salvation but ended up being hell. The abuse riddled both of us, making it so that we had to grow up fast and without any fucking guidelines. That was how we had landed ourselves in France for the last decade and a half. Coming back here was equivalent to living my nightmare on repeat like a VHS cassette. I inhaled, trying to shake the feelings that would suffocate me. Drown me.

I would focus on Ophelia for now. Focus on how to protect her from the trouble coming her way.

Chapter 8

Ophelia Rose

Frozen in Time While Running from the Truth

Would I ever find something or somewhere that stimulated my thoughts more than this small town? I hoped University would be like that. Then again, for all I know, I would face the same problem there. Maybe I would ask Oliver what he thought was wrong with me. At least, worst case, he would provide me with some self-gratification. My imaginary best friend wouldn’t say I was screwed up, would they? That would be fucking rude since I’m providing him a place to live and shit.

When the bell rang, I dipped out avoiding looking at Merrick. I’d seen all I needed to know on his face. Another person that didn’t want to be seen with me. I should have just expected it now. Once again, I was hit with the urge to go to Kansas City. I knew that they didn’t mind seeing me.

Maybe tomorrow.

I walked towards the cafeteria with my head down, lost in thought. The scent of fresh-baked bread and a million other unneeded luxuries awaited the students of Village Worth Preparatory Academy. I grabbed a tea and a sandwich before going towards the annex of the cafeteria that had large windows running down each side, providing quiet for those who wanted to work on homework during that time. I just went because frankly, the cafeteria was filled with people that would stare at me. At least here, people were somewhat busy. I swallowed, thinking about that odd daydream I’d had. They were so much more vivid, so much more lifelike than before.

“Ophelia,” A voice chimed and I looked down to find Basil. I know, I thought it was very odd as well, but she never complained about the name so I wouldn’t comment on it. Somehow it suited her in an odd way.

Basil was a very young freshman, probably more the age of a seventh-grader, but very smart and came from one of the less affluent parts of Village Worth. She’d been moved up and no one had ever questioned it because her grades were absolutely stellar. Her blonde frizzy hair was pulled back by a headband today and her large dark eyes were looking at me with honest intent. There was something different about Basil. Well, for one. She wasn’t afraid, nor did she avoid me. But also, she said odd things. Last week she asked me if I celebrated the ‘human winter holiday, Christmas.’ Then again, who was I to say she was odd? I was imagining attractive men in my room.

“Hey, you. What’s up?” I tried to keep fairly upbeat because I’d noticed Basil was very sensitive to the moods of those around her. One day, I was feeling down, and expressed that… and she’d started crying. So smiles it fucking was.

“I was wondering if you were going to be at the stables today?” She curiously asked, closing her notebook, “I’m going to be helping Mrs. Owens.”

“I am,” I nodded sitting down across from her for a moment, “do you want to ride Price once training is over?”

“Really?” She grinned,

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