Fae Fiefdom - M. Sinclair Page 0,24

frowned at the tattoo she had tried to cover it with. That was okay, it was still there and would ward off any other shifters. Pixies? Fae? Not so much, unfortunately. My panther was offended and I ran my tongue over my teeth trying to keep a hold on myself so I didn’t start marking up her body to prove a point. Christ. It was so hard being around her. I turned on my heel and closed her bedroom door slightly.

“You shouldn’t sneak into her room,” Oliver’s voice had me sighing and narrowing my eyes at the commander's voice. They hadn’t changed at all and I’d kept a distance from Koa and Bard at school, but now that Oliver was appearing also, I knew my assumption wasn’t wrong. It was almost time.

“You shouldn’t be here when she doesn’t know,” I pointed out as he grunted. I walked towards the window and slid on my shoes. Turning slightly, I fixed him with a look. My bet was that his own brothers didn’t know he was here, so I felt like I could at least afford him this information.

“He’s back by the way,” I offered quietly.

“Who is?” His face blanked.

“Rain,” I admitted, “and Merrick, they are back in town.”

Oliver’s jaw tensed and I offered him a head nod, dipping back out and easily scaling back down the large masterpiece of the estate. I forced myself to walk away from her, and let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. In fact, all I wanted was to go back and bury myself inside of her. I wanted to fuck her like I did at the club and a million other ways. I wanted to feast on her body until she was coming on my face. I growled and reached my car.

We were going to talk at school tomorrow. You better fucking believe it.

Chapter 6

Ophelia Rose

Monday Blues in Stormy Shades - A Walk in the Shadows

That night, I slept horribly. But not for the reason you would expect. It wasn’t the storm that seemed to slam into our house, shaking the stone structure, and making me wonder if a tornado was going to barrel down our lane. No, it was when I woke up, opening my laptop around three am to check the radar…it showed nothing. Yet, I could see it pouring outside.

I frowned, realizing there were roses in the bed next to me, trying to think if maybe I’d stopped at the store and was forgetting about it. Of course, after the odd storm phenomenon and the mysterious roses, my brain wouldn’t stop moving. Awake hours before school started, watching the news curled up in front of the fireplace. My phone had been charging all night but I’d refused to check it, refused to see what Bard or Koa messaged me.

Well, that was until my alarm went off and I was forced to see what exactly they had wanted, besides the ridiculous amount of missed calls.

Bard: Beautiful, pick up the phone now.

Koa: Please call back, it’s important.

Bard: Pick up the phone or I am showing up.


They went on like that for a bit, but all of them just made me feel sad if we were being honest. I looked down at the chess set sitting on the table still as if somehow summoning Oliver back.

After a few more minutes of watching the news, I pulled my silk robe tighter around myself walking across the cold wood floors to the small coffee cart I had near the bay windows overlooking the back of our estate.

While my coffee brewed, I watched the screen flash with a horrible fire blasting across California and felt an odd pang in my chest at the pain of those animals and plants. I know people say that plants can’t feel but I think that is bullshit.

There was nothing that made me more furious than to see nature and animals in harm's way. I felt bad sometimes because I wondered if my love for nature and animals more than humans made me a bit of a sociopath. I hoped not because then that was what I was. Once my coffee was finished, I carried my mug towards the en suite bathroom and turned on the light.

My hair was crimped from sleeping on it slightly damp, so I began to brush it out and curl it with my wand. I know it was a bit stereotypical loving makeup and hair, but come on, it was fun and cured boredom. I began to curl

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