Fae Fiefdom - M. Sinclair Page 0,16

pleasure of knowing that.

So you can imagine, why I am pissed right now.

“I gave you time, I’m done with this,” he stated softly. “We aren’t playing this game anymore.”

“It’s not a game,” I stated, trying to secure my emotions. “Sorry I don’t want to spend time with the first guy I screwed, who was also the first guy to ghost me. Stop being an asshole.”

His eyes heated, and I realized I totally hadn’t told him that I was a virgin when we slept together. I held in a squeak as his warm large hands ran over the back of my neck and to pet the scar there.

His words are soft, “You don’t get to take that back.” Take what back? Man, he was just being way too much right now. Honestly.

I tugged away from him, his arms releasing me as I pulled my purse closer, swallowing and feeling a bit dizzy. My voice was tired, “Just leave me alone, Kirin.”

I could handle being ghosted…sorta. He didn’t need to try to play head games with me. I didn’t let him respond because frankly, this was the exact reason that I didn’t enjoy socialization as much as others. There was one thing I hated, and it was awkward uncomfortable situations. So how do you avoid them? You didn’t interact with people. Yeah. Pretty obvious why I didn’t have friends now, right? It wasn’t that I didn’t feel confident handling them, I just didn’t want to have to.

I heard him call my name, but I ignored it. Library time, things would be better there.

Chapter 4

Ophelia Rose

My Personal Wonderland

Things weren’t better inside.

In fact, the moment I stepped into the main room, the already silent room became impossibly quieter. My eyes kept ahead as I tucked my purse closer to me, walking past the fireplace and lounge area towards the back of the first floor off to the left. My favorite place with my favorite section of literature. The Classics.

Everything from Alice in Wonderland, Edgar Allen Poe, to Grimm Fairy tales, they’d put together. I know, a tragedy of organization if I’d ever heard of one. It was a small library, but it drove me up the wall, so I’d been rearranging the messy section for months now, by the type of work it was and the author's name. I wasn’t positive anyone had caught on but I did notice that no one had attempted to try to change it back to the chaotic mess it had been…so no harm, no foul?

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I felt my chest pulsate with slight pain, like an electric shock. I winced and turned down an aisle, only to come upon a tall muscular man…because that’s what I needed today. Oddly one that I didn’t recognize, which was nearly impossible considering the size of our town. The largest issue? He was in my section of the library. I didn’t want to say I was territorial over the space, but I found myself a bit annoyed when I saw him pulling novels out, flipping through them, and sliding them somewhere else.

Was he trying to make me annoyed? If so, his tactic might actually work.

I also couldn’t help but be attracted to him like a bee to a bright flower. His visible golden skin was covered in colorful tattoos. I couldn’t make them out, but they were literally everywhere.

His hair was short and shaved close to his head on the sides, a pale blonde, but on top of his head was a colorful array of pastel blue and purple, with hints of other shades. My eyes widened at the tight muscles I could see under his black worn-looking shirt. Fucking shit. He was hot. He was really, really hot. A hot library invading bastard.

“Hello,” he offered with a voice smooth as honey, and his gray velvet eyes met mine. I must have looked like an idiot just standing there staring at him. His smile grew and I thought I saw a silver tongue piercing.

You know what, I had determined this had to be a dream, there was no explanation for this electric, brightly colored man, and running into Kirin. I hadn’t slept well last night, so I probably slept through brunch this morning.

No. I had to be awake. I was awake and this shit was not a dream. I didn’t think I was imagining the change in the air outside either. The slight icy bite to the air and the rolling storm clouds. Or

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