Fae Fiefdom - M. Sinclair Page 0,12

pretty good to me,” he noted, leaning back in the seat and cracking his neck, “I gave him a walk around to get out of the stable.”

“Thanks,” I offered him a smile, and his eyes warmed on my face, making me feel appeased for a moment. I know. I was totally pathetic. But lonely does what lonely does…

“How was brunch?”

I offered him a knowing look. “You can probably assume,” I muttered. Often on the way to school, I complained to him about my stepmother, and he confessed to thinking she was a horrible bitch. My words, but his agreement.

He shook his head and offered a small sigh, his emotion shuttering a bit, “I can’t wait to get out of here, beautiful. This place is draining.” Did that mean he planned on going to college also? I’d been scared to ask that…I didn’t want to know the truth about the future regarding his plans.

His fingers strumming his long, jean-clad legs that were stretched out fully. I could tell he had something he wanted to say, but my mind was distracted, so I didn’t push him.

I felt off today, obviously with reason. I felt as though my mind and body were in disagreement. My foot still tickled with the phantom touch of Oliver’s…magic? Was that what we were going to call it? I had no idea considering I was half convinced the man was conceived of notions that weren’t real. As in he was imaginary and I was losing my mind.

Children had imaginary friends, didn’t they? Maybe I was just channeling my super inner creative side? My stepmother had always said I spent too much time in my own head. Maybe, she’d been worried about this clear mental break I was having.

“You seem distracted today,” he commented softly, I jumped as he spoke and turned my head towards him, the car vibrating as it went over a bridge.

“I suppose I am,” I mumbled with a sigh, “I’ve just had a weird afternoon.” My usual demeanor was upbeat. Sure, on the inside I was a bit beaten down and tired but I would rather make someone else smile before bringing them down. It wasn’t their fault that I was lonely. Considering I was the consistent factor, I could only assume it was me.

I was hoping that when I got the fuck out of here, I could find a few people that did want to spend time with me. I thought I was pretty cool but what the hell did I know. Hmm. Maybe it was something in the water? Everyone in Kansas City seemed to be a fan of me, especially…well, I wouldn’t go there. Not right now.

“Want to share with the class?” he offered, looking amused and arching a dark brow.

As I said, Bard wasn’t one to show a ton of emotion, but the emotion he did show, always had me feeling almost hyper at his attention. It was ridiculous how worked up I got around him. My body was always super on edge, and I worried if he ever touched me in any way that wasn’t friendly; like if he kissed me or some shit? I would combust.

I searched his face and offered him a small smile, “It wasn’t anything important, Bard. Just the usual long-winded speech about my responsibilities. So my normal bullshit.” We had pulled up to his large dark home a few blocks from mine. Instead of getting out, he continued to stare at me with concern inhaling before his pupils seemed to darken.

“Are you wearing a new perfume?” he asked, tilting his head.

“No perfume,” I shook my head, and then he literally fucked with my head.

“You smell good, you smell like lemon,” he stated, looking confessed and speculative, “Interesting. But really, beautiful, I like your bullshit. You know you can tell me anything.”

Could I though? Also, did you hear that shit? You know who else smells like lemon?! Oliver! Maybe, I wasn’t crazy… Or the scent I was wearing on some part of my clothes from brunch, was lemon-scented, and that had played a part in my odd hallucination. Whatever, this was just getting too complicated.

I went to tell him maybe just a bit of what was going on but all of a sudden someone was banging on Bard’s window with the side of their fist. I nearly cursed.


Bard muttered a curse and I could practically see him shutting down as he unrolled the window.

Koa Kline. Probably, hands down, one of the most gorgeous men I had

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