The Fae Bound - Juliana Haygert Page 0,9

medallion from her and cradled it against my chest. “Thank you.”

“I’ll stay here and watch out for danger while you go to the fae realm and get your herbs,” Jennie suggested.

I nodded, standing up from my bed. I rushed to my closet to change out of my nightgown—I couldn’t go hunting for herbs in the fae realm in those—but stopped halfway when the doors to my chambers opened.

Prince Lark sauntered into the room and I quickly hid the medallion behind my back.

He didn’t spare a single glance to Jennie as he said, “Leave us.”

The young fae shot me a quick glance, but she was too afraid to confront him. Shaking from head to toes, Jennie bowed to him and scurried out of the chambers and closed the doors behind her.

Then it was just the prince and me and the medallion.

With what was supposed to be an endearing grin, Lark stalked to me. I slowly retreated, until my back hit the tall dresser along the wall. While he focused on my face, I hid the medallion behind one of the big vases over the dresser, hoping he wouldn’t notice it.

Lark halted just one foot from me. “I’m sorry for coming so late. I just … I needed to see you.” He lifted his hand and ran his fingertips over my cheek. I tensed, suppressing the disgusted shudder that wanted to run through my body. “You’re so beautiful, my dear Farrah. Waiting for the Moon Period to be over is hard.”

He leaned into me, his mouth coming for mine, and I inhaled sharply, suddenly in panic mode. I tried enduring it, I told myself I could do, I could just kiss him. It wouldn’t mean anything. But I couldn’t.

On the last second, I turned my face. Lark exhaled, his nose rubbing my cheek.

“Sorry,” I muttered. “I’m just not ready yet.”

He pulled back and stared into my eyes. “You have a little over two weeks to be ready,” he said, a new hard edge to his voice. He took a step back. “Good night, my dear Farrah.”

“Good night,” I whispered.

The prince whirled around and marched out of my chambers.

When the door closed behind him, my legs gave out and I leaned heavily over the dresser. I couldn’t keep doing this. I could barely kiss him, I couldn’t even consider the idea of sleeping with him. And once he found out I couldn’t give him children, what would he do? Punish me? Torture me? Kill me?

A new idea came into my mind. If only I could steal a dagger or even a kitchen knife, I could slit his throat when the Moon Period was over and he finally came for me.

But that would certainly get me killed too, since his soldiers wouldn’t just sit and watch as their prince died.

Regardless, if I failed to concoct the poison, that was my plan. Better to be killed than to live with this monster.

With renewed purpose, I grabbed the medallion from its hiding place and opened the portal to the fae realm. I stepped through, determined to find all the herbs I needed.



Before I opened my eyes, I first noticed the fucking ache on the back of my head. What the …

Then I remembered what happened and shot up. And immediately was brought down by the shackles on my wrists and the long chains bolted to the walls.

“What the—“ I swallowed my words as I realized not just my head hurt. I had bruises all over my body and all of my muscles hurt. Then a man walked toward me. No, not a man. A demon. “Drollmor,” I muttered.

“Oh, so you at least remember my name.” Drollmor was a high-level demon, one with enough power to look like a human all the time. Right now, he wore an olive skin and short, brown hair, with the sides neatly shaved. His face was angular and his body was big, as if he was a heavy weightlifter. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

I shook my head. Holy fuck, this couldn’t be happening. “Fuck you,” I said through gritted teeth.

“No, werewolf, fuck you.” Drollmor tilted his head at me. “You thought I wouldn’t find you? That I wouldn’t make you pay for our deal? You got what you wanted, now it’s my turn.”

I jerked against the chains. “You know I won’t go down easy.”

An amused grin spread over Drollmor’s lips. “You’re the one shackled in a building full of demons. I think you’ll go down just fine.”

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