The Fae Bound - Juliana Haygert Page 0,5

beside the road, and let out a long sigh. “About two years ago, I’ve got in some trouble on this side of the country. I ended up pissing off some demons.” That was putting it lightly, but I wouldn’t bore her with my fucking story now. No one knew about it, other than me and the demons, and I sure hoped it stayed forever like that. “I just hope we don’t run into them while we’re around here.”

Ariella tsked. “Well, too bad, because I’m looking to get some payback on demons, and I would gladly like to run into some.”

I snorted. Of course she would. Demons had taken her wings, and because of that, she couldn’t go back home, wherever that was. Well, if she ever found the demons who took her wings, I would help her catch and beat them up.

We fell into silence again until we reached a small town near the Grand Canyon. We sneaked into a group of tourists and joined them on a tour of the Grand Canyon. When they stopped by the Skywalk, Ariella and I sneaked out again.

I hiked the backpack I had prepared higher on my shoulders as Ariella and I started walking into more isolated areas, where no tourists should wander to.

“Do you know where we’re going?” I asked Ariella after we had been trekking through the area for over two hours. Here, the sun was too hot, and the air dry for my lungs.

“I think so,” she said. “I’ve heard they were hiding on this side of the canyon.”

I frowned. That wasn’t very helpful. Besides, whoever told her that could have been dreaming or drunk. I should have researched more about this before simply following her out here.

Another thirty minutes passed and the sun began setting. If we didn’t find them soon, I—

“Here.” Ariella stopped by a cliffside and pointed down.

I rushed to her side and looked down at the canyon.

And saw nothing.

“Here what?”

She glanced at me. “Oh, right, you probably can’t see it. It’s hidden with magic. But right down there—“ she pointed her finger down again “—is a small town, and I believe the people living there are the blaze fae.”



I paced my room, my mind reeling.

It had been another day since I found out which poison I could brew to kill the fae prince, but so far, I had no idea how I was going to get the three herbs I needed.

My only idea so far was to sneak into the infirmary and the kitchen during the night, while most fae were probably sleeping, and try to steal it. I would have to worry only about avoiding guards stationed at strategic places and the patrols.

But it was still too risky. The chances of me actually making it to the infirmary or the kitchen without being caught were very, very low.

What other option did I have?

A soft knock came from my door and I didn’t need to look up to know who it was. A small female fae entered the room with her head low, her shoulders hunched. She closed the door and approached me, her eyes on the floor.

“I’m here to help you get dressed for dinner, your highness,” she said in a small voice.

I grunted. Since before the wedding, I had gained a servant of my own—a young wind fae who seemed to be scared of her own shadow. The fae only spoke to me about getting dressed, doing my hair, or retouching my makeup, nothing else.

I didn’t want to sit through another dinner with Lark, pretending to enjoy his company, or at least, not mind it. A surge of anger and frustration rushed through me, but I kept it hidden. I couldn’t lash out at this fae. It wasn’t her fault I was in this situation.

I had made the damn deal with Lark. I had sealed my own doom.

With another grunt, I stepped into my closet, the young fae following me. She stopped behind me and started unbuttoning my dress. Though the many buttons would have been tricky, I felt unnecessary to have a servant help me get dressed and undressed. I could very well put on my own clothes, do my hair, and apply my makeup. But I stayed quiet and just let her do it since Lark put her up to it. I didn’t want to anger him or draw more of his attention right now.

The dress fell to my feet. I stepped away from it.

The fae leaned forward and picked up. That Copyright 2016 - 2024