The Fae Bound - Juliana Haygert Page 0,30

do the Bonecrown witches want with you?”

That got me by surprise. “How do you know that?”

“Because I ran into them. Now tell me.”

I let out a long sigh. “When we were first banished into the human realm, we ended up unknowingly creating a camp into Bonecrown territory. First, they scared us to death. Later they chased us away. However, they didn’t stop attacking and harassing us.” I started pacing, the beat of my heart speeding. “After some battles, they offered a solution. If we gave them a powerful fae as a sacrifice, they would call it quits. They would let us go.”

Wyatt inhaled sharply. “You were that fae.”

I halted. “It was a random drawing, but yes, I was selected.”

Wyatt shook his head. “But … when we rescued you. Luana, and I … you were tied up because of the Bonecrowns. Why hadn’t they killed you yet?”

“They were going to. They left me there to inflict pain and fear into me. They would come back the next day to finish me off.”

“But we rescued you first.”

I nodded, ashamed I had never told them—him—the truth before. “I didn’t want to die.” I let out a long breath. “I heard they went after Daleigh and the others, but none of them had their magic as strong as mine. The Bonecrown didn’t settle. They looked for me.”

Wasn’t it ironic? I had escaped from being a sacrifice to the witches, just to end up as a sacrifice of sorts to Prince Lark. Either way, I had been sold to save my people—twice.

And even that I couldn’t do right, since Lark had lied about letting my people go.

“What happened then?”

I shrugged. “They must have found me again after I married Lark? That’s the only thing I can think of.”

“So what now? We’ll have to add them to our list of evil beings to face?”

A hollow chuckle escaped past my lips, but it died a second after. “What about you? What Ariella was referring to?”

He ran a heavy hand over his thick hair and hesitated. “A while back, I sold my soul to a higher demon, Drollmor.”

I stared at him, incredulous. “You did what? Why the hell would you sell your soul?”

“For a chance to see you again,” he whispered.

My heart cracked a little. I couldn’t deny it. Since the moment we first met, I knew Wyatt and I were connected, that we shared a destiny. Then we found out we were mates.

He had sold his soul to find me again.

How could I be mad at that? I would probably have done the same thing.

Though, a small flicker of fury started in me. How was he so stupid? The demon would never rest until he got Wyatt’s soul!

His hazel eyes held such an intense and scared shine, my heart cracked some more. Without a word, I went to him and wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders.

“We’ll fix this,” I promised, whispering in his ear. “We’ll figure out how to defeat the Bonecrowns, this higher demon, and the Fae King.”

His hands splayed on the small of my back. “I believe you.”

When he lowered his head to mine, I met him halfway. His lips landed on mine and I let out a sigh. He was mine and I was his, and I just wanted to enjoy that for a moment.

His kiss started soft, slow, as if he wanted to make sure I wouldn’t run away this time. I wouldn’t, so I grabbed his shoulders hard and deepened the kiss. Wyatt let out a groan and scooped me up. Without breaking the kiss, he took me to the bed.

This time, when we made love, we didn’t hold back. The mating bond screamed at us, making everything we felt stronger, more powerful. Every millisecond, I thought I would burst into a million pieces of pure pleasure.

Nothing could be better than being on Wyatt’s arms.

It wasn’t the first time I slipped from Wyatt’s bed, but it would be the last.

Careful not to wake him, I got dressed and after a long look at his peaceful, sleeping form, I sneaked out of the bedroom.

I didn’t encounter anyone around the guests’ quarter, though I almost bumped into two warlocks patrolling the streets of Starlight Vale. Using my powers enhanced by the Frost Pendant, I scaled the side of a building and hid on the roof.

Then I skipped from roof to roof, until I was outside the city’s limits.

I dared to peek at the beautiful city one last time. I was proud of what Keeran and Luana had done here. They were really a great pair and they people should see only happiness.

Which meant, I had to deal with the Bonecrown and the Fae King by myself, without involving no one else. I was tired of seeing my friends suffering, or being used against me.

It would be only me now.

Pulling the hood of my cloak over my head, I took in a long breath and gave the first step toward my new mission.

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About the Author

While USA Today Bestselling Author Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting—but equally gratifying—life as a wife, a mother, and an author. She resides in North Carolina and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy.

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Also by Juliana Haygert


Into the Darkest Fire


Rite World: Blackthorn Hunters Academy

The Demon Kiss (Book 1)

The Hunter Secret (Book 2)

The Soul Bond (Book 3)

The Shadow Trials (Book 4)

The Infernal Curse (Book 5)

Rite World

The Vampire Heir (Book 1)

The Witch Queen (Book 2)

The Immortal Vow (Book 3)

The Warlock Lord (Book 4)

The Wolf Consort (Book 5)

The Crystal Rose (Book 6)

The Wolf Forsaken (Book 7)

The Fae Bound (Book 8)

The Blood Pact (Book 9)

The Fire Heart Chronicles

Heart Seeker (Book 1)

Flame Caster (Book 2)

Sorrow Bringer (Book 3)

Earth Shaker (Novella)

Soul Wanderer (Book 4)

Fate Summoner (Book 5)

War Maiden (Book 6)

The Everlast Series

Destiny Gift (Book 1)

Soul Oath (Book 2)

Cup of Life (Book 3)

Everlasting Circle (Book 4)

Willow Harbor Series

Hunter’s Revenge (Book 3)

Siren’s Song (Book 5) Copyright 2016 - 2024