The Fae Bound - Juliana Haygert Page 0,24


This stone was called the Frost Pendant and it gave the wearer exceptional frost powers that could overpower almost any other type of magic.

I dropped the book on the floor and held on to the pendant. Closing my eyes, I invoked my powers and an avalanche rushed into my veins, making me gasp. Whoa, this pendant wasn’t a trick.

I opened my eyes and stared at the bracelet around my wrist. I touched the pendant to it and willed it open.

The bracelet snapped with a loud crack and fell to the ground.

I stared at it in shock. Holy shit, it had worked! The bracelet was gone! I was free!

Which meant, I could escape. I could leave this place.

I picked up the bracelet and stuffed it into my pocket. I put the books back into their places, except for two fiction ones, and headed to the entrance. Somehow, I would trick the guards on our way back to my chambers, and I would make a run for it.

“Your highness,” Jennie said with a bow of her head as she entered the library. “May I escort you back to your chambers?”

My brow furrowed. This wasn’t how my plan was supposed to go, but I could work with this. “Yes.”

On the way along the hallways, Jennie stayed a step behind me, while the guards followed us a few feet back. Once we were back into my chambers and the doors were closed, I turned to Jennie.

“Have you ever wished you could escape this place?” I asked, knowing I was treading into dangerous waters.

“It’s foolish to wish we could escape, your highness.”

“But if you could,” I insisted.

She paused, her eyes growing sorrowful. “Yes, if I could, I would escape this place.”

My heart squeezed with hope. I could wait for a few more minutes or hours to escape if that meant I could take her with me. “Then, go to your room and pack a small bag. Tomorrow early morning, before the sun rises, meet me back here.”

She stared at me, lost. “Why, your highness?”

“I’m going to make your wish come true.”



As expected, the explosion caused confusion and most of the shadow fae guards went to check out what happened.

And I ran toward the prison. Holding the enchanted stone by the piece of cloth, I pressed it against one of the thick metal bars. It turned orange in a few seconds and quickly melted away. I repeated the action with at least other three bars, making a big hole for us to escape through.

Then I stepped into the prison. A remaining guard advanced on me. I sidestepped him, swiped his spear from him, and pierced his chest with it. I dropped the spear, and his body fell to the ground.

“Wyatt,” someone called me. I looked at the voice. Holding on to bars, Daleigh stared at me. “What are you doing here?”

“Saving your ass.” I didn’t waste time. I pressed the stone on the lock of the cage’s door, melting it in three seconds. I swung the door open. “Let’s go before the guards come back this way.”

“What about the others?” he asked, walking to my side. He was as tall as I was, but he had clearly lost weight in these past few weeks.

“I’ll take care of it.” I showed him the stone in my hand.

“I’m coming with you.”

Not in the mood to argue, I directed the frost fae toward the hole that led out of the cages, then shuffled deeper into the prison camp. I melted another lock without any hitches and sent the fae in the same direction. When they hesitated, Daleigh told them it was all right, and they complied with him.

Great. I was the one doing the fucking rescue, and he would be the one to get a medal for it. I shook my head and pushed those thoughts away. I could be angry with him because he sold his sister to an evil prince, but now was not the time to argue about that.

First, I would save him. Then I would beat the crap out of him.

We reached the third and last cage. I pressed the stone on the lock and melted it.

“Stop!” someone shouted.

Daleigh turned to the new voice and I pulled the door open. “Go!” I told the fae, before turning to face the five guards who were pointing their spears at us. I handed the cloth wrapped stone to Daleigh. “Hold on to this.”

Then I shifted into my wolf form.

I pounced into one of the guards, while Daleigh, Copyright 2016 - 2024