Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,103

it. But then something in it started to calm as if it had declared me worthy and recognised I meant it no harm. I was not someone that would abuse the Fates.

I didn’t need its hate.

I don’t know where that thought had been born from, but it wasn’t my own mind. I swallowed hard through the emotional journey it was catapulting me through, as if it had been born from too many. As if it had been born from the bloody tears of a God crying because of the wickedness of men.

It was soul consuming and utterly heart breaking!

But then it started to change, getting past it and focusing instead of what it wanted to show me. I sucked in a startled breath as I started to see the witch, the one who had started this all. She too was crying, only instead of the reasons behind it, I was only left to see the result.

She was sat at a broken mirror with deadly shards all around her. Blood speckled on the bathroom floor around the slumped form of her hooded figure. She was sobbing, begging in another language I didn’t know. She was also pleading with someone who wasn’t there, and I ignored how I knew this. But then I saw it, the quickest glimpse of a shadow swirling in the shards like it was trying to communicate with her.

Then suddenly she screamed and grabbed one of the largest shards of glass in her now bloody hand. After this she turned it back on herself and this time when she screamed it was through pain she inflicted upon herself.

“NO!” I shouted at the same time the howling of pain coming from the darkness in the mirror echoed that of the witch. She stabbed herself in the face and then in a breath, the vision evaporated.

I cried out for her pain, despite what she had done to us. I didn’t know why but it seemed like she had been born from bitterness and heartache. She had been born through hate.

Just like another.

The darkness in the mirror…I knew who it was!

“No…it…it can’t be possible!” I started to say but then my thoughts cut the visions short and I suddenly came back to my own time. I opened my eyes and quickly blurted out,

“I know who it is…I know who it is that is behind everything!” Nero was looking at me strangely as if she wasn’t listening but instead focusing on something else.

“What…what is it, didn’t you hear me?” I asked.

“Your Hex was glowing and burnt through your top.” I frowned thinking that I hadn’t felt anything, but that wasn’t it as I could tell there was more…much more.


“I know where I have seen it before,” she muttered, now looking terrified.


“Fuck! We have to leave…we have to get out of here, come on!” She shouted, suddenly grabbing me and yanking me towards the arch I had run through.

“Wait, but why?!” I shouted,

“Leave the orb, come on!” I pulled back, holding the orb to my chest and said,

“What is this about? Tell me, Nero?!” She looked beyond panicked and after scrubbing a hand down her face she said,

“It is not as we thought it was, it is not trying to take hold of you! It was never trying to summon you to the witch like we thought!”

“Then what? What are you saying, if it isn’t that then what is it?” This was when Nero grabbed hold of me with both hands on my arms and said with a little shake,

“It was a trap! Fuck girl! They are using you as that Hex, that fucking Hex is to use you so they could be summoned to you!” I gasped and dropped the orb to the floor as that sank in. Then I slowly looked down at it and instantly knew what this meant. Although, like most things, I only knew the full extent of that mistake when it actually fucking happened!

Because Nero was right, I had been used to create a portal right to the one place no one knew about. To the place that no one could get inside without Lucius letting them. Inside his tower. The storm, the door of souls, he had the most protected tower in Hell and why would he have that?! Because he was protecting something that’s why?! To the one place that no one knew the Crimson Eye was hidden.

And I had just walked them right inside!

“Oh, Gods no!”

“And we thank you for that mistake, Princess.” A

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