Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,100

‘cause you know that shit would have been quite helpful.” I felt the heat invade my cheeks and said,

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t exactly know who I could trust with that one.”

“Oh shit, yeah I get it…” she said holding up both hands and continuing,

“If people knew, then fuck me, you would have been on everyone’s bounty list! Your fella ain’t exactly gonna win any popularity contests but then again, not a King in Hell that would…well, other than Asmodeus, he’s just yummy.” I choked on a laugh making her give me a questioning look, so I told her,

“He’s also my grandfather.” At this her navy coloured eyes grew wide before she said,

“No shit?”

“I shit you not,” I replied making her whistle and rub a hand through her blue hair, a mass of curls that were braided tight on one side.

“Wow, well you are just full of surprises aren’t you, Chicky?” At this point I would have said, ‘oh you have no idea’ but decided against it and went with trying to figure out what the hell had happened. Because the last thing I remembered was the field and…oh Gods,

“Trice?! Vern and Gryph, are they…?”

“Calm down, they are just fine and were here not long ago.” I released a breath before asking,

“They were?” I was clearly shocked.

“Yeah, well they kind of had to be.” I frowned at this.

“What do you mean?”

“Trice was the only one who had the power in him to stop the Hex from taking over you. I swear I have never seen anything like this power. I mean I think I have seen the symbol before, but Gods’ balls if I can remember where…it’s not exactly common, even for a witch.” I thought about all this and winced at not just the slight pain I could feel there on my back, but more the idea that Lucius was forced to watch as Trice had to heal me.

“And Lucius let that happen?” I questioned making Nero say,

“Hey, no sweat, men need a bit of healthy competition and besides, your boyfriend might be known as a tyrant King, but man he is undeniably…HOT!” She said making me laugh. Then she nudged my arm and said,

“Don’t worry about them, shit will sort itself out.” She then tapped the side of her temple and said,

“I know these things.”

After this she explained how Lucius had requested Nero as my personal ‘lady’ to help care for me, because as it turned out, I had been passed out for a few days. Hence why I was ravenous, thirsty and in desperate need of a pee and well basic hygienic needs. So after taking care of the first three I told Nero that I was going to take a bath before Lucius came back. Something she informed me wouldn’t be long as he never left me for more than twenty, thirty minutes tops.

So, knowing this and not really relishing the idea of being a sweaty, smelly mess for when that happened, I made my way down the staircase, taking care not to fall and create a new drama for Lucius to be faced with when he got back.

I didn’t know what had happened, but I just knew that if the only good thing came out of being on that field was the McBain brothers were no longer in any trouble, then it was worth it. This was because Nero had assured me they were currently all working together in trying to find a cure.

The brothers were at this moment trying to find someone who had the power to remove it. And at the request of Lucius that Trice wasn’t gone long seeing as he seemed the only one able to stop it from taking control of me completely. Not that I knew what this meant or what would happen when it did.

Gods, but really…what was next?

And what had that place been I had seen before waking up back here? Had it been something the Fates had wanted me to see? The woman had spoken about hatred being the key or something. But it was more than this, it was that red orb. I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about it. Couldn’t seem to get my mind off trying to recreate every second in my mind of when I had seen it. Why was I so drawn to it?

I didn’t know.

When faced with the water I sucked in a deep breath and was just about to remove the clothes Nero had told me she had dressed

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