The Extraordinaries - TJ Klune Page 0,83

leaving his friends behind.

* * *

His day didn’t get much better after that.

There was a pop quiz in AP History that he was pretty sure he boffed big-time.

When called on to explain a Byronic hero in English class, Nick managed to give a three-minute presentation on the mating habits of box turtles before the teacher mercifully put him out of his misery.

He was twitchier than normal, and even though he knew there was a mushed pill in his pocket, he didn’t dare take it out, knowing he had to prove a point. Maybe proving a point during the middle of a life-altering romantic crisis was not the best time to try and quit cold turkey, but Nick was nothing if not spontaneous.

And, for one of the first times in his known life, he was actually dreading how quickly the day seemed to be moving. He stared in horror up at the clock as it approached lunchtime, knowing he’d once again be faced with Seth, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. What if Seth had misunderstood the gift of Mexican candy and had thought it meant intent? Did Nick mean for it to have intent? If so, what did that mean? And why did Seth have to wear a freaking cravat on today of all days? And when had cravats become some sort of weakness?

When the bell rang for lunch, Nick gave very serious consideration to applying for a passport, waiting the requisite four to six weeks for it to arrive, and then fleeing the country.

However, given that he was underage, it meant he would have to ask his father for help applying, and Dad was on his shit list, Cinnamon Bread-Shaped Chomps aside.

He walked slowly toward the lunchroom. He understood what it must feel like to be in a gulag.

Seth was already at the lunch table with Gibby and Jazz. Their heads were bowed together and they whispered furiously. Nick’s curiosity pierced through the haze he’d been mired in since the day before. What could they be discussing so intently? It was a mystery that needed to be solved, and by god, Nick would solve it. Maybe they had come up with plans for a more secure Phase Three, and he could be an Extraordinary by this afternoon! Wouldn’t that just make this weird day better? Of course it would.

But before he could take a step toward his friends, an arm fell on his shoulders, and he was pulled close to another body, a voice near his ears. “Hiya, Nicky. Why’re you just standing here? Who’re we staring at?”

Nick shivered at the hot breath on his neck. “Owen,” he managed to say. “Glad you could show up and—holy god, what happened to your face?”

Nick pulled away to stare at Owen in disbelief. He was smiling that wicked smile, even though it had to hurt. It looked as if Owen had been punched right in the eye, the bruise dark, the skin puffy. Owen shrugged. “It’s not too bad. You should see the other guy.” He glanced over Nick’s shoulder to their lunch table before looking back at Nick. “Aw, are you worried about little old me? Nicky, I’m touched. Really.” He reached out and pinched Nick’s cheek.

Nick knocked his hand away. “What happened?”

Owen rolled his eyes. “It’s not a big deal. Just a bit of sparring. A lucky punch, that’s all. I’ve had worse.”

“Sparring,” Nick repeated slowly.

“Yep. Gotta keep in shape, you know? I mean, how else could I get your attention?” His smile widened. “I know how you like the muscles.”

Nick scowled at him. “I don’t like anything about you.”

“Now, now. We both know that’s not true. You missed me. Admit it.”

“I didn’t even notice you were gone.”

Owen laughed. “Someone got a backbone in the last couple of days. It’ll do you good when you become an Extraordinary, I think.”

Nick blinked. That sounded suspiciously close to a compliment. “Really?”

“Sure. That’s still a thing, right? You still want to be an Extraordinary?”

“Yeah, it’s still a thing. Other things have … happened, but it’s not going to stop me.”

Owen studied Nick so intently, Nick started squirming. Then, “It’s good to see you’re so adamant about it. Tell you what, Nicky. When you’re ready to play with the big boys, you let me know. I might be able to help you.”

Nick frowned. “Help me with what?”

Owen pinched his cheek again. “Is that a formal request?”

Nick shoved him away. “No. I don’t need your help with anything. I can do Copyright 2016 - 2024