The Extraordinaries - TJ Klune Page 0,123

near the elevator, was Pyro Storm. Nick froze at the sight of him.

Owen chuckled. “Well, well, well. Isn’t this a surprise?”

“Is it?” Pyro Storm asked. “Because I think this is exactly what you wanted.”

“Oh? How do you figure that?”

Pyro Storm glanced at Nick. “Because you think you’re forcing my hand.”

Owen took a step forward. “Someone had to. You can’t hide behind the mask forever.”

“And you can?”

Owen spread his hands. “I’m not the one wearing a mask here, am I? That would be you.”

“Um,” Nick said in a thin voice. “I have no idea what’s going on right now, but I think I’d like to leave.”

They ignored him. “I do it because I have to,” Pyro Storm said, teeth bared. “So I can keep the ones I love from harm.”

Nick blinked at that. Pyro Storm was a villain. Why would he be worried about people getting hurt? He’d hurt Nick’s dad. He’d—

“See,” Owen said, voice filled with contempt, “that’s always been your problem. You’re so sanctimonious. And where has it gotten you? You’ve been vilified for everything you’ve done. You’re Public Enemy Number One. Nothing you’ve done has changed that.”

Pyro Storm took a step forward. “Only because you’ve done everything you can to get in my way. You’ve spun these lies in order to elevate yourself. I allowed it because I didn’t know what else to do. But now you’ve brought Nick into this, and I won’t play your games anymore.”

“You allowed it?” Owen asked incredulously. “You didn’t allow anything. The world sees you for what you really are. You’re the villain in this story. The archnemesis. I have become the hero this city needs, and not even you can stop me. Soon, I’ll hold it all in the palm of my hand.” He glanced back at Nick. “And maybe I’ll get myself a sidekick. Nick will do just fine, won’t he?”

“Leave him out of this,” Pyro Storm snapped. “He’s done nothing wrong. He doesn’t deserve you messing with him.”

“Messing with him?” Owen said, laughing. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you. Why don’t you tell him so he can see who’s messing with who?”

Pyro Storm’s mouth twisted into a snarl. “I’m not—”

“Oh, Seth,” Owen said. “Aren’t you tired of lying by now?”

Nick was sure he’d misheard. Sure that Owen hadn’t said what Nick thought he had.

Because it wasn’t right. It couldn’t be right. It had to be a mistake.

“What?” he heard himself ask.

“Oops,” Owen said gleefully. “My bad. Didn’t mean for that to slip out.”

Pyro Storm hung his head.

Like he was defeated. Like he was—

No. Not like he was defeated.

He reached up and grasped the sides of his head.

And slid the helmet off.

Nick knew that hair, didn’t he? Of course he did. He’d sometimes thought about what it’d be like running his hands through the curls.

Seth Gray looked up, looking wary, almost frightened.

“No,” Nick said, taking a step back. “That’s not—you can’t be…”

“I wanted to tell you,” Seth said, voice cracking. “So many times. And I tried. I swear I tried. I could never get it out. It’s—”

“Aw,” Owen said. “This is so sweet. Isn’t this sweet, Nicky? Our dear, lovely Seth is Pyro Storm.” His smile faded. “But that would mean—oh. That would mean he’s the villain of Nova City, wouldn’t it? That would mean he was the one who hurt your father.”

Seth’s eyes widened. “No! I didn’t. I swear, Nick. It was barely a spark. The smallest of flames. I could control it. I always had control. It wasn’t—and it … it…” He shook his head slowly as his face hardened. “You goddamn bastard. You were very specific, weren’t you? Getting me to that building. Normally, you’re all over the place. I wondered why you stayed in one place that whole time. I didn’t see it, then. You planned it. Like you planned all of this. Nick. Here. Knowing I would follow because I would follow him anywhere.” He squared his shoulders, and Nick felt a chill run down his spine. “I know, Owen. I know what you are. These pills. You aren’t like me. I have this … this thing inside me. It’s always been there. But you … you take these pills in order to do what you do.”

Owen’s eyes narrowed to slits. “You think you’re better than me? You think that because you’re a freak that I can’t be like you? You’re wrong. My father gave me a gift in order to protect what mattered most.”

“He experimented on you,” Seth said, taking a step toward them, Copyright 2016 - 2024