Extinction - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,24

several paces farther back, as befitted a male. He wore tight-fitting, padded leather breeches and a piwafwitrimmed in silver. He held his plumed silver helmet in thecrook of one arm and seemed to be having trouble looking Triel in the eye.

"Matron Mother, I ... My riders saw nothing on the outer wall," he stammered.

Triel noted the shift of words with amusement. A magic ear-ring told her the lieutenant was speaking the truth - as he believed it to be. She could hear none of the echoing quaver that accompa-nied a lie.

She toyed with the handle of the whip of fangs that hung from her belt, twin to the one carried by her sister Quenthel. The vipers hissed softly in anticipation, sensing her desire. The lieutenant de-served punishment - and would receive it, in due time.

Her hand fell away from the whip.

"Go and fetch your lizard," she said.

The lieutenant hesitated a moment too long, a mix of relief and puzzlement on his face. Then, suddenly remembering his place, he bowed deeply and backed from the room.

The captive smirked, obviously pleased with the concern his in-trusion had caused.

Not liking the look in his eye, Triel drew a wand of braided iron that hung beside her whip.The tip of the wand was set with a tiny white feather, which she pointed at the captive as she spoke a com-mand word, No visible force came from the wand, but the effect was instantaneous. The captive screamed - a sound of acute terror that filled the audience chamber - and drew his legs up to his chest. Had his hands been free, he would no doubt have wrapped them around his legs. He rocked back and forth, whimpering. When Maignith nudged him with the toe of her boot he screamed anew and rolled away, leaving a stain of pungent urine among the blood spatters on the floor.

Triel sighed, hoping she wasn't wasting her time. There were so many other matters in need of her attention. On the outskirts of Menzoberranzan, an army of duergar, tanarukks and other, lesser races were preparing to assault the city proper. Triel should have been in her war room, communicating with the officers who would hold the invaders at bay, but there had been an assassination attempt on her - not nearly the first, of course - and she needed to know who was behind it.

Had one of her sisters decided that she could do a better job as matron mother? Did Triel need to strengthen her defenses from within? Or had the assassin been sent by one of the other noble Houses? House Barrison Del'Armgo, perhaps? That seemed unlikely, since the second-ranking House was just as badly off as House Baenre just then. After the disastrous battle at the Pillars of Woe, Mez'Barris Armgo had come straggling back with what remained of her forces - and the sorry tale of how her troops had been driven up a side tunnel and lost one-quarter of their forces and all of their wagon trains.

As she waited for the lieutenant to return with his lizard, Triel walked to the thronelike chair that had once been her mother's. Shaped like an enormous spider and forged from solid adamantine, it balanced on eight curved legs. The chair had been imbued with powerful spells, not the least of which was a magical symbol that would instantly turn any attack directed at the matron mother back upon whomever had been foolish enough to initiate it. The chair was a symbol of Lolth, but even though the goddess had fallen disturbingly silent, its magic still functioned, since it was powered by wizardry.

As Triel settled cross-legged onto the chair - her two personal guards shifting to stay on either side of her - she thought of Gromph, and wondered, once again, where the city's archmage had disap-peared to.

The door to the audience chamber opened, and the musty smell of lizard wafted into the audience room. The lieutenant walked in, leading his mount by the reins. The lizard squeezed in through the door, the sticky pads on its feet making faint sucking noises as they were lifted from the stone floor. With a body twice as long as a drow - three times as long, if the lashing tail was counted - it was a formidable sight. Its leathery skin glowed with a sparkling blue luminescence that faintly illuminated the otherwise dark room.

As it scuttled past the captive, tongue flickering in and out, it twitched its head to the

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