Exposure - Kelly Moran Page 0,106

traced a path from her collarbone to her throat. He slid the gun under her necklace and yanked it off. The ruby heart Noah had given her for Valentine's Day pinged to the floor. Soreno's free hand dropped to her wrist and unclasped her watch.

Her heart rate sped and she bit back a gasp. She'd totally forgotten about the watch. Noah had a tracking device planted inside. He had a way to find her, if she could just hold out long enough.

Fighting to control her reaction so she didn't tip off Soreno, she stared at the collar of his sweatshirt above his black coat while he removed the watch, glared at it, and shoved it in his pocket.

That's right, prick. Keep it on you so Noah can find your sorry ass.

He strode behind her, his boots thunking along the floorboards.

She closed her eyes and grit her teeth against the fear. That's exactly what he wanted, and damn if she would give him that much.

Without warning, he grabbed one of her dangling earrings and yanked.

She cried out at the searing rip of her right lobe. Tears burned her eyes as blood dripped onto her shoulders, so hot compared to her skin. She pinched her eyes closed and sucked in a breath when he reached for the other one. When he tore that one from her ear, her teeth sank into her tongue to keep from screaming.

Breaths rasping, she opened her eyes and pulled Noah's face from memory, imagined her and him playing with Aubrey on their island once their house was built. Pictured their wedding. Something small, perhaps at the Castle, and shortly after, her own belly swollen with Noah's baby. The expression he'd wield when holding their child for the first time.

Soreno's footsteps rounded the chair until he stood in front of her once more. Each thunk on the planks matched her pounding heart. Reaching for a filet knife on the table, he fisted it in his gloved hand. He brought it to her throat, the metal tip nipping her skin. Hot blood trickled down between her breasts.

She sucked in a harsh breath through her nostrils, taking in more stench from him and the room. Dead fish, stale nicotine, musty wood. The ocean roared around them, but it couldn't compare to the roaring in her ears.

Struggling not to move, to tremble, she clenched her tongue between her teeth to keep quiet. But the cold was turning her to ice, and the fear wouldn't relinquish the vise around her throat. Tears slipped from her eyes and she whimpered.

"You won't be able to cry by the time I'm done with you. I was paid extra to do more than just shoot you, or else you'd be dead already."

Oh God. Her stomach rolled.

When he brought the knife to the dip between her breasts and cut her dress in one long slice, she didn't bother to hide her reaction. A sob ripped from her chest. And when he parted the material with the blade, exposing her body to him, she gave up any hope of surviving.

The worst regret was not being able to tell Noah how much she loved him before she died.

Chapter Twenty-Six

"That's how I knew it was you." Nicole grinned and sipped her champagne. "Raven would never let anyone but you see her that vulnerable." She pointed with her flute to the displayed photo in front of them. "I won't tell anyone."

Noah shoved his hands deep in his pockets. "I appreciate that." He wasn't adverse to coming out as Hoan now that the trial was over, but he'd rather things settle down first and allow the feds time to catch Soreno.

She sighed wistfully. "Such a shame, though. I harbored a secret crush on you. We would've had such beautiful babies."

He couldn't help but laugh. Just in case, he skimmed his gaze over her to avoid insult or hurt feelings. "You are quite lovely, Nicole. But I'm taken." Completely and without bounds. Would this night never end?

"I was only kidding?? She trailed off, eyes rounding.

He tracked her gaze. Two FBI agents followed McCannon through the front door. One stayed there while McCannon and the other strode across the room to Max near the rear of the gallery.

Noah's heart stopped dead. He scanned the room for Raven, but couldn't find her. Panic clutched his chest. "Where's Raven?"

"She went into the storage room a few minutes ago to get more--"

Elbowing his way through the now quiet crowd, he made his way down the hallway to

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