Exposure - Kelly Moran Page 0,103

car right outside. His security team manned the front door and were spread around the gallery keeping watch. Soreno wasn't getting to her tonight.

He handed his coat to an attendant and scanned the room for Raven. Though early, several patrons were already teeming about, sipping champagne and checking out Hoan's photos along the display wall to his left.

She'd used the ones he'd taken of her for the exhibit. Though she'd said she would, he still had an inkling of doubt. Raven hated being the center of attention. For her to even allow him to photograph her, never mind display them, meant she cared an awful lot. She trusted him.

Stepping closer, he bypassed his other shots and focused on the one of her reclining in the snow, looking up at the camera. He drank in her soulful expression, her pleading eyes, the trace of her smile, and bit back one of his own.

That was his baby right there. The woman who fought her way through depression with quiet strength, who faced her fears with her shoulders squared, and who gave him all of herself, piece by piece.

If he hadn't seen it before, he did now. She wasn't looking at a lens, she was looking at him. With adoration, honesty. Raven hadn't fallen for him in one crushing blow as he'd done with her. Like everything else, she'd fallen in measures, making it damn near impossible to know for certain until it slapped him in the face.

And to think, he almost let her go.

On the spot, he decided to sell Gallivanting Adventures. He'd take Raven and Aubrey all over the world. That would be his next thrill. Family. No more desks, no more schedules. He loved the outdoors, had started something solid with his company, but it was time to pass the torch. If he wanted to fish or hike or climb, he damn well would. Either Raven would come with him, or he'd hurry home to find her waiting.

He turned, searching for her, and found her in conversation with a customer. From across the room, her gaze lifted to his and held. The breath seeped out of his lungs. The red dress was new. It clung to her slight curves, accentuating the swell of her breasts and stopped at her knees. Her hair was pinned up off her nape, some tendrils loose and brushing her shoulders.

Lifting her hand, she patted her chest, then pressed her palm there and nodded at him. She'd been trying to tell him earlier, but he wouldn't listen.

She loved him.

Fuck it all to hell. Screw Hoan's show or the fans or anything else. He was going to take her home and make love to her. For hours. Days. And then they'd plan their life together, the one he never thought he'd have. The darkness? Gone.

As he took a step toward her, an elderly man sidled up next to him and started blathering about the exhibit. With great regret, he remembered how much time and effort it took for Raven to put one of these shows together, and what Hoan's prestige could mean for Elements.

Biting back a sigh, he turned to the gentleman. What was a few more hours compared to the next fifty years?


Raven had finally broken free of a few customers and was determined to rescue Noah from his conversation when Nicole stepped in her way. Raven fisted her phone in her hand, banking down the irritation.

"Two things." Nicole flipped her hair over her shoulder. "First, the caterer is asking for more small serving plates. Which I'll go get from storage in a moment."

When she paused, Raven lifted her brows, unable to hide her amusement. Nicole's cheeks were flushed and she had an uncanny twinkle in her eye. Which had nothing to do with caterers or plates. "And second?"

"I find it interesting that Hoan is Noah spelled backwards. Or almost. A nice anagram." Her eyes narrowed playfully.

Briefly closing her eyes, Raven fought a grin and failed. "I'll get the plates from storage. I need a break from the crowd anyway." An hour into the showing, and they were back to back with people. "As for the other thing, do keep it mum. He has a pen name for a reason."

"I knew it," Nicole ground out, eyes alight. "So it was the best friend all along? How romantic."

"Jeez. You sound like my mom." Raven looked for Max, but couldn't find him in the throng. She'd only be gone a second anyway. "Do me a favor and find

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