Exposed Exposed (Dom Nation #1) - E. Davies Page 0,46

and kiss me, his gaze intent on my lips.

And I stared at his soft, wet mouth, and tears pricked the corners of my eyes with the sheer wall of want that hit me, like a wave I hadn’t been braced to withstand. It washed me off my feet, my heart slamming in my chest.

More than anything, I wanted to taste him, but not here. Not for all to see. Somewhere for just the two of us. That was a thought I’d never had before—not once. I was flying blind, and he was the light guiding me home.

“Let’s go,” I rasped, stopping by the bag check so we could get our bags. By unspoken agreement, neither of us wanted to waste time changing before we left.

The cool night air did nothing to cool me off, and nobody approached us as we stood alone by the curb and waited for the taxi. Good. Perhaps they sensed the chemistry between us, thick enough to cut with a knife. The air sparked with the same electric storm that ran roughshod through my spirit and heart.

We climbed in the car, and I murmured my address. It was time to go home a different man from the one who had started the day. And Slate would pay for it. I just hoped he knew what he was doing, because for the first time in years… I didn’t.

But at long last, I felt alive.



“Wanna see something cool?”

I managed to keep my face straight as I said, “Is it your dick?”

The elevator door had slid closed, and Rex hadn’t pressed the button for his floor yet. It was a reasonable guess, and better still, it startled him into a laugh.

“No, that’s hot.” There he went again, teasing me. But after our time at DN, I finally had high hopes he’d back up his words with actions.

I swayed closer, hooking my forefingers around the straps of his sexy red latex corset. God bless him, the doorman hadn’t even blinked. “How hot?” I asked, my voice a sultry purr.

Rex didn’t take the bait. He raised his eyes and his voice, speaking crisply and clearly. “Penthouse floor.” The elevator set into motion, the movement barely noticeable.

I jolted with surprise, keeping a grip on his corset. “Who the fuck are you, anyway?” I joked, but I was kind of serious, too.

For a guy his age, this setup was insanely good. A career in baking definitely hadn’t paid for this place, unless the baked goods came with a little something extra. So was Daddy paying? I didn’t think so. Rex was too proud to let me hold him in bed, let alone take others’ money.

But oh boy, this young man had layers.

Rex spoke in a husky voice, not brushing me off. “Nobody to be concerned with.” Before I could roll my eyes, he grinned. For a moment, he looked his age—a little dorky and very pleased with himself. “Always wanted to say that.”

I snorted with laughter and pulled him closer, looping my arms around his shoulders instead. I wasn’t sure he’d let me, but he did.

Rex was avoiding the question, but fuck it, he was even more adorable, and I wanted to be on my knees for him. No—well, yes. But not just that. The dopamine flooding my body right now wasn’t a sexual kick.

It was a lot warmer and fuzzier, and there was no point in avoiding the label even inside my own head, but I still steered my thoughts away.

Silence fell between us, except for the quiet whir of the elevator rising to the top floor of the building. Suddenly Rex’s face was right there, his expression like glass. I ached to take his smooth control apart with the scorching heat of my kisses.

Rex’s eyes flicked between mine, studying me once again like a puzzle to be solved, or a philosophy riddle to be answered. Could he ever just dwell in this second, shifting and riding the currents of attraction between us like the tide under a full moon? I ached to find out.

But the elevator slid to a halt and the doors slid open, revealing the steel door of Rex’s apartment. I let go of him as he pressed his hand to a panel next to the door and it opened.

Okay, I would have noticed that. He’d definitely avoided showing off the first night I stayed here, which was even more fascinating.

This time, I better appreciated the view that opened in front of us—the short hallway opening into that gorgeous Copyright 2016 - 2024