Exposed Exposed (Dom Nation #1) - E. Davies Page 0,25

I should trust him.

Which was clearly bananas, given everything that had happened tonight, up to and including this very moment.

The cup of tea was gone, and I was exhausted. So tired my emotions fluttered through my grasp, out of control and indiscernible.

It all just felt loud right now, and I wanted to hide away from the world.

Rex took the cup and set it on the table, then wrapped his hands around mine. As he stood, he hauled me to my feet, too. “Come,” he said softly. “You need to sleep.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

But my gut lurched with the unwelcome intrusion of a thought. Once the lights were switched off, I couldn’t help myself.

Before he could lead me upstairs, I pulled away, veering toward the front door. To my relief, Rex went with me instead of hauling me back on track.

With a shaking hand, I checked the locks and slid the deadbolt across. Then I turned to him in the gloomy, muted half-light of the entryway and spoke to the elephant in the room.

“He knows I live here.”

My chest went tight and cold, and suddenly the fearful anticipation I felt upon speaking those words felt wrong. It couldn’t be more different from the anticipatory fear I’d felt every step of the way with Rex tonight.

I didn’t have to say who he was. The cringe and shudder that coursed through my whole body spoke for me. I felt it right through to my fingers, laced with Rex’s.

But even in the faint glow of the streetlight through the white lace curtain on the windowpane in the door… I saw Rex’s lip twist. The same fearless, dominating coldness I’d seen in him earlier was back.

It took my breath away, and I froze like a rabbit caught between two foxes.

“I’m staying the night,” Rex said, his tone a command that left no room for argument. Not with him, or even with myself. It was a fact, and that was that.

Then he pulled me toward the stairs, and relief thawed me out. I let him guide me to the bedroom, silently in awe of him.

How could a man not even thirty sound so confident, make snap decisions, and even stare down a wolf like Isaac without a trace of trepidation? I had no idea. Was I just past my prime compared to a young, vigorous, fearless Rex? No. I’d always looked to others to make decisions and hated myself for it.

A real man should be a leader. Everyone said as much. If not in words, in actions. A follower was someone to be scorned and laughed at and used.

And a real man sure as hell wouldn’t want to be used, right?

I’d expected more awkwardness and anticipation in every moment when we reached the bedroom. This was a man I hardly knew, and he was about to sleep in my bed.

I’d shared my bed with hookups when the itch grew too great, but I hadn’t invited any of them to stay.

Instead, it felt easy. The familiarity between us ought to disconcert me, but I was too tired to let it.

I had other things on my mind. Choking back a fresh wave of exhausted emotion, I mumbled, “Do you even wear pajamas?” I pinched the bridge of my nose to keep my breathing under control.

I don’t even know that. It’s such a stupid question.

Was that demeaning? Should a Daddy always be naked? Or fully dressed? Or was I, in my bone-deep exhaustion, overthinking every single detail of my existence?

I kind of suspected the latter, so honestly, I didn’t blame Rex for glancing at me with a startled expression.

“Whichever answer will make you not cry,” Rex answered, but there was a gentle smile in his voice, not the hard-edged mockery I’d feared.

It cracked through my runaway thoughts. I laughed, just slightly and softly, and the tension bled from my shoulders and the room.

“Here. I have spares.” I winced a moment later. I was wearing the best pair. Crap. I should have thought that through and saved the best for him, not me.

But he didn’t look offended at the faded pair I handed over, nor at the way I quickly turned my back to very obviously focus on turning down the bedsheets and fluffing the pillows.

I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing him naked yet. It would make him seem vulnerable and human, and I needed his strength.


The soft word, almost an exhalation, drew my gaze back without thinking.

I blushed as I saw, for the first time, Rex’s narrow shoulders and Copyright 2016 - 2024