Exposed Exposed (Dom Nation #1) - E. Davies Page 0,117

my hands to my jeans. “I don’t want to think about who’s watching, and how loud or quiet I should be, and whether I can beg you to stop without making the DMs think I mean it.”

Rex’s grin was all teeth and raw warning. He slid his finger over the front door, locking it smoothly. I was trapped in here with him, and he’d never looked so perfect.

The wildness within me yearned for his touch, like it could undo the layers of civility and bring me down to the level I needed to be at. The rabbit to his wolf.

“Yes?” Rex purred.

I stepped out of my jeans, my heart thudding behind my ribs as my hands trembled. I unfastened the catch on my harness. “And… I want us naked.”

“Oh,” Rex murmured, tilting his head as he looked down at himself. He was wearing a collared shirt and trousers over his latex outfit. For a moment, he didn’t say anything.

“Not that I don’t find that corset sexy,” I rushed to reassure him, licking my lips. “But I want nothing between us tonight. No games, no clothes, no words. Just… instinct. I want to act and feel and be, not think. Like—like the other day, when you chased me into the bedroom…”

I bit my lip, heat flushing my cheeks as I played with the hem of my shorts. My fidgeting drew his gaze, and I waited for him to stare before I slowly pulled my shorts down. My semi sprang free, bobbing in midair with desperate relief, but I wasn’t foolish enough to think it would get more attention yet.

Rex liked to make me wait.

“There’s a name for that, you know,” Rex murmured, his look dragging up my body like his fingertips had done not too long ago. It was my turn to stare as he bent over and slowly took off his shoes and socks. Then he curled his bare toes into the ground and straightened up, balancing his weight in an even stance I recognized.

It was the way Dominants stood, effortlessly radiating a confidence I yearned to get closer to. And he never stopped looking me up and down like he was memorizing every detail.

“There is?” I whispered. I shrank into myself under his inspection, folding my hands over my cock playfully.

Rex’s lip curled like he wanted to tell me to stand still and stop hiding myself away from him, but then he took a breath and his eyes met mine instead. “Yes. It’s called primal play.”

“Uh-huh?” It sounded good already—instinctive and raw. That was what I needed.

“I’ve been suspecting you’d like it.” Rex’s smile was knowing, and I blushed under his look.

“Oh,” I whispered. Did he know all of my kinks? Even the ones I didn’t know yet? I loved it—in a way, it was its own form of humiliation. Being taught how my own libido worked, and what felt good.

“Are you ready to embrace pure subspace?” Rex whispered. He flicked his fingers along the buttons of his shirt and then arched toward me, his gorgeously lean body rippling out of the garment to leave it a pooled heap on the floor.

He had the body of a hunter, sleek and agile.

I nodded and bit back my whimper, shifting from foot to foot as my dick grew hard. I pressed both hands against myself, squeezing and rolling the shaft between my palms.

“Let’s play, then,” Rex murmured, unlacing his corset. “But I need to know your limits.”

Not this again. I shook my head breathlessly. “I’m not sure yet,” I admitted. “I… I wasn’t allowed to have them, you know?”

Rex paused, eyeing me thoughtfully before he squirmed out of the corset. He fiddled with it and laid it carefully on the ground on top of his shirt. “All right. Then we’re going to explore later, you and me. I won’t draw blood or choke you or anything too risky.”

Do I want him to? I had no idea. My stomach churned with pent-up tension, and I gave a nervous giggle. “Okay. But…”

Damn it, how did I put it without being cheeky? I didn’t want to sass him, but I also didn’t quite understand. I bit my lip and looked at the floor as I tried to put words to it.

Rex raised a brow and waited.

“But I like it when you’re in charge,” I murmured. “And that’s what you want, too. If I’m telling you that I want to… play primally, or whatever… isn’t that me topping from the bottom?”

Rex smiled. “No, sweetheart,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024