Exposed Exposed (Dom Nation #1) - E. Davies Page 0,108

“Oh, it’s so cute in here!” Then she noticed the bondage gear put up on the walls. It was all high enough that it couldn’t be spirited away, I realized in that moment. “Ohhh,” Pam repeated. “Wow.”

I glanced at Rex for reassurance, nervously folding my arms. It was one thing to talk about it at work—or avoid talking about it. It was another to be here in plain daylight.

“Thank you. I’m Rex Black. Pleasure to meet you,” my Daddy introduced himself as he came around the counter to shake hands. Then he rested a hand on my shoulder, calming me down.

It made me smile now that I knew his full name, Tyrus. He’d told me last night, and said he always hated it. Rex was the name he’d chosen, and I had to agree that it fit him.

“Pam. I work with Slate. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Pam greeted, which sent me into a horrified silence. “And your cupcakes.”

Good things! I tried to project to Rex, but I was blushing furiously. Not sexy things, but good things!

“Is that so,” Rex said softly, his lips flickering into a smile as he looked at me.

I blushed and cleared my throat. “Yes, D—Rex,” I corrected myself, checking the floor in hopes of a sinkhole. No such luck.

It was impossible to miss the light bulb that went on in Pam’s head, or the way she silently looked at us both. “Oh,” she said again.

“I’m not giving you any state secrets,” Rex teased me, and my blush only made him grin more.

“Please don’t.” I pulled out a chair from the table nearest and sank into it, propping my chin on my hands. “I’m done with secrets.”

To Pam’s credit, she recovered from the shock quickly. “Well, you’re good for him, Rex. He’s been smiling through lunch hours lately, not just appointments. It’s wonderful to see. So I really am pleased to meet you for more than your cupcakes,” she told Rex with a grin.

“It’s a good thing I made so many and sold so few last night.” Thankfully, Rex didn’t explain to her that he’d closed early so I could go to Dom Nation with him. “Choose your flavor.”

“Oh my God, they all look amazing.” Pam dug out her wallet, even though Rex tried to wave it off, and paid for a red velvet cupcake and a cup of coffee. “And you do look happier,” Pam told me out of nowhere once we’d made the obligatory small talk. “Even if your Friday nights are reserved now.”

“Oh, crap.” I buried my face in my hands. Movie nights had always been Fridays—but I hadn’t even thought to check the listings, much less text and ask if we could move the day.

“It’s okay,” Pam chuckled. “I took my husband, and we had a real date night. Who knows—maybe he’ll get bold enough to try your kind of date.”

I tried not to choke on my tea. “Uh-huh” was all I managed, my cheeks hotter than the cup in my hands.

“There’s some really good clubs in town,” Rex said as he joined us with a cup of tea for himself, and before I knew it he was chatting to Pam about them.

I knew nothing, of course. The only club Isaac had told me about when I’d asked was Dom Nation, before saying it wasn’t his thing. Liar. But now I was quite happy to stay here since it was clearly where Rex felt most comfortable. And I trusted the staff, and I had a Daddy to collar me and show me the ropes, literally and figuratively… I couldn’t wait to come here more often.

“I’ll put you in touch,” Rex told Pam, grinning over at me. “Earth to Slate.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled and pinched myself. “My life just flipped upside down. My coworker and friend is talking to my…” I hesitated and swallowed hard, then finished, “my Daddy, about things I barely know. Or admit to knowing.”

Pam grinned. “You’ll have to work to keep up, then. I’m sure Rex has you covered.” She stood up. “That was an excellent cupcake. I’ll definitely be back here more often. You should do delivery or pickup or something. Or an app.”

I winced and cast a look at Rex, who was trying for his inscrutable but agreeable face. “Yes,” Rex murmured, and only I picked up that note of longing—or knew what it was about. “I should.”

By the time Pam left, I found myself breathing easier. I wasn’t hiding anything anymore. I could trust everyone around Copyright 2016 - 2024