Explosive Attraction - By Lena Diaz Page 0,65

have been to prove them wrong, to show them the report....” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “I would have had to show them the pictures to force them to print a retraction. What would be the point? Shelby was Jake’s only family. He can survive losing my friendship a lot better than having his precious sister knocked off her pedestal. He would have hated me even more if I’d tarnished her memory in any way.”

“You’re wrong. Shelby wasn’t his only family. You’re his family, too. You said the two of you grew up best friends. I’ll bet it’s eating him up to think you hurt his sister. That’s why he’s so angry. Not just because he thinks you cheated, but because you two were best friends. He feels you betrayed that friendship. If you tell him the truth—”

He held up his hand to stop what she was about to say. “Spare me the therapist mumbo jumbo. I don’t believe in it.”

Darby fisted her hands in frustration. “What do you have against therapists? Or is it really just me?”

Rafe briefly closed his eyes. When he looked at her again, his eyes were filled with pain. “Shelby and I saw a therapist. He was supposed to help us save our marriage. Turns out, all he did was help himself to my wife.”

Darby gasped and clutched a hand to her throat. “That’s why you used to despise me? Because I’m a therapist and your wife cheated on you with a therapist?”

He clamped his jaw tight, not answering.

“That’s a pretty broad brush you’re painting an entire profession with. Tell me, do you still feel that way? Do you think I’m a bad person, just because of my occupation?”

“I don’t think you’re a bad person. And I’m trying to look past your career choice.”

“You’re trying to...” Darby hopped off the bar stool. She was so mad she wanted to punch him. “While you’re trying to look past my profession, I’ll try to look past yours. After all, you’ll send anyone to prison, whether they deserve it or not. You don’t care if they’re mentally ill, if they can’t understand the consequences of what they’ve done.”

He hopped off his seat and took a step toward her, his eyes blazing. “It’s not my place to decide innocence or guilt, or even punishment. I find the facts and present them. You’re the one who ignores the facts. You’re the one who will do anything to get some creep off with a light sentence.”

Darby crossed her arms. “All the time we’ve spent together, everything we’ve shared, hasn’t changed a thing. You still think I’m evil. And I still think you’re pigheaded. Tell me, why did you sleep with me last night if you thought I was so terrible? It was just sex, wasn’t it? It didn’t mean anything to you.”

His entire body went rigid as he stared down at her.

Some of Darby’s anger faded as she watched the emotions play across his face. She was good at reading people, and she saw the hurt when she made her accusation. It was the one thing that gave her hope. She reached out toward him, ready to apologize, but he turned away.

He picked up his duffel bag from the couch. “Pack your things. We’re leaving.” He headed toward the door.

“Wait.” Darby ran to catch up with him.

He paused at the front door.

Anger radiated off him in waves. Darby realized nothing she said right now would get through to him. She’d have to wait until he calmed down. “I thought we were going to stay here for a while. Where are we going?” she asked. “To another hotel?”

It took him several minutes to answer, as if he was trying to calm down enough not to shout. “Buresh called while you were upstairs. He wants us back at the station. He said there’s a major break in the case. With any luck, you’ll be back home before the day is over. And except for work, you’ll never have to see me again.” He yanked the door open and stepped outside.

Chapter Sixteen

Buresh met Darby and Rafe as soon as they entered the police station. He led them into a conference room where several other detectives were waiting. A folder lay on the table in front of Buresh’s chair.

“Should I stay outside?” Darby asked, feeling out of place and more than a little uncomfortable with Rafe still so angry.

“Nothing that matters has changed,” Rafe said. “Where I go, you go, until

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