Explosive Attraction - By Lena Diaz Page 0,63

people years?”

Rafe was about to respond when the lights kicked on in the bathroom, and the air conditioner turned on, sending welcome cooling air washing over his skin. He glanced toward the window, watching for lightning, listening for thunder. “Looks like the storm ended.”

“I hadn’t noticed.”

Something in her voice made his breath catch. She was looking at him differently than she had before, reminding him of the way she’d felt in his arms when they’d shared that heated kiss in his car earlier today.

When he’d found her in the bathtub, her naked state hadn’t even registered in his brain. All he’d wanted to do was get her warm and dry, and bring her back from the dark place where her mind had gone.

Now all he could think about was the nearly naked woman next to him, and that he was almost as naked as her. He needed to get out of this bed and out of this room before he did something they’d both regret.

He pulled back and reached for his jeans on the floor.

Darby’s hand on his back froze him in place.

“Rafe, don’t go.”

Chapter Fifteen

Darby held her breath, waiting to see what Rafe would do. She wasn’t normally bold, and she was shocked at herself for taking the risk that he would turn her down. If he did, she thought she might die of embarrassment.

He turned slightly, looking at her over his shoulder. “If I stay, I’m going to—”

She sat up and worked the towel off her body. She threw it on the floor and lay back on the pillows, open to his gaze. “I want you to stay...and everything that goes with that.”

His eyes widened and dipped to her breasts. And suddenly she was in his arms. But instead of pressing his lips to hers in a fevered kiss like he’d done in the car, he grasped her shoulders and pulled her close until her breasts pressed against his chest. He looked deep into her eyes, and slowly, as if to give her a chance to stop him, lowered his mouth to hers.

Stopping him was the last thing she wanted to do. If the killer came crashing through the door right now, waving a shotgun, she still didn’t think she’d stop Rafe from kissing her. She wanted this, wanted him, desperately.

His lips touched hers, like a match to dry tinder. She moaned and tried to get closer, sliding her hands up the contours of his chest, wrapping her hands behind his neck. He tightened his arms, crushing her against him. When he stroked her lower lip with his tongue, she opened her mouth for him, and nearly collapsed from pleasure when he worked his magic on her.

He devoured her mouth, his warm hands stroking over her skin, cupping her breasts. Her lower belly tightened, and she dropped her hands to his waist.

Darby had never been so free with her hands. She was practically a virgin, having only had sex once, and then only because she was drunk and in college, and very, very stupid. Nothing in her past had prepared her for the feelings flooding through her now.

She was hot, everywhere. Her breasts tightened almost painfully, and every little brush of Rafe’s hands across her sent little zings of pleasure shooting straight to her belly.

He broke their kiss, his chest heaving as he struggled to draw a breath. “If you want me to stop, tell me now,” he whispered, his voice ragged.

“Don’t stop.” She pressed a kiss to the base of his neck.

He groaned again and gave her another kiss before pulling back and looking into her eyes.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve made love.” He pushed her hair back from her face. “I don’t know how long I can last—the first time.”

She swallowed at the implied promise of more than one time. “Then I guess we’ll have to keep doing this until we get it right.”

He kissed the breath right out of her. Then he was filling her, stretching her, pulling her nerves taut with pleasure.

His every movement was a sensual wave of push and pull, hard and fast, driving her higher and higher on that tightrope until her nerves tightened and exploded into a dizzying wave of pleasure that had her calling out his name. Two quick thrusts and he joined her, falling with her back to the safety net beneath them.

* * *


Darby’s eyes flew open at the sound of a deep, masculine voice next to her ear. Rafe was standing beside the bed,

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