Evil - Tijan Page 0,7

him. No girl dared make any demands after a night with him. She wouldn’t have lasted long enough for the words to even escape her lips. His look alone would’ve filleted her, but I knew he altered some memories. I’d felt it in the air, like he’d felt my power last night. I always assumed that his sexual exploits, the ones that turned bad, were the recipients of erased memories.

Maybe, maybe not.

Matt Rettley’s scamper was the same as everyone else. No one wanted to mess with Kellan. If they did, those people tended to be changed for the rest of their life.

And me…I stared in the mirror. I looked different from them. I felt different from them. But was I different? I had the same powers, more powers, but I rarely used them. I felt like I couldn’t, like I hadn’t a reason for them, not yet.

I eyed my clothes. I always chose black, though I wasn’t sure the reason. And I always covered every inch. Sometimes I wore jeans, like I was wearing today. They were faded blue that I paired with a tight black long-sleeved shirt. Why did I cover my skin? It wasn’t because I was pale to my siblings’ tanned skin. No, it was because something new had started to arise in the last year, something that I didn’t dare tell a soul, especially my siblings.

I pushed up one of my sleeves and looked down. My wrist was pale, like normal, but three inches above, a black circling tattoo had formed. Some days it was there, and other days it wasn’t. I hadn’t asked for it. I hadn’t performed any spell for it. I had no idea what it meant, but it was on my arm anyway.

It scared the crap out of me. I was the only one with it.


I looked up in time to watch a body thrown across the front of my car. It bounced and dropped to the ground outside my door. I hurried out and saw the body was a skinny boy with scraggly blond hair. He looked like he hadn’t showered in a week, and there were two holes ripped in his red T-shirt. The jeans were skin tight, not designer tight, but washed too many times tight. They rested an inch above his socks and sneakers.

He looked up in horror, and the look doubled when he saw who I was. As I closed the door and stepped to the side, two athletic-looking guys raced around and braked at the sight of me.

I was a Braden after all.

“Sorry, Shay.” One of the guys rushed out, his chest heaving underneath a blue polo shirt.

The other guy ran a ragged hand through his own brown mop of curls. “Yeah, sorry. We didn’t know you were in the car. We weren’t thinking.”

“So, if it was someone else’s car and someone else had been in it, you’d still have thrown the boy? Do you do that a lot? Throw people at cars?”

The first guy flushed. “No, I mean…look, this isn’t…I mean…”

“Shay.” Kellan stood on the other side of my car. He’d materialized like he always did. As he gazed questionably at the two guys, he came around to join us. When he stood above the boy on the street, Kellan looked once at me, confused, but the look disappeared. He was amused, and he only leaned against the car, just behind me. As I looked from my brother to the other two, images of a panther keeping company with hyenas came to mind.

It wasn’t too far off from reality.

“Um, I mean…hi, Kellan.”

“Pete.” Kellan tucked his head, content to let me handle the situation. Whatever situation it was, I wasn’t quite sure.

“Look, you can’t throw people at cars.” I decided what the situation was. The boy was an obvious victim. The two idiots were bullies, and I was the one who needed to stop it.

A part of me cringed, knowing that Kellan wouldn’t have cared either way.

It didn’t matter. I’d just decided my role, and I clarified it again as I repeated, “You’re bullying him. How old are you?”

Pete looked like his mouth had become glued shut as his eyes skirted from me to Kellan and back again. The other guy had yet to make a noise since my brother’s appearance.

“His name is Scott,” Kellan informed me. He didn’t move from his leaning stance.

I kept my back to him. “Why would you even throw—what’s your name?” I turned and glared my question. The boy seemed to

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