Evie's Bombshell - By Amy Andrews Page 0,43

some … yoga.’

Finn noted her workout gear. Skin-tight Lycra knee-length leggings. An equally form-fitting top with a round neckline and spaghetti straps that bared her shoulders and stretched over her full breasts and rounded belly. Her hair had been scraped back into a messy ponytail.

‘I see,’ he said, exceedingly self-conscious as he tried not to stare. She seemed to get bigger every time he saw her.

‘Come in,’ she said, falling back to allow him entry.

Finn stepped inside and then followed her through to the lounge room. There was some low Gregorian chant playing from a sound system somewhere and he noted the yoga mat on the floor. He sat where she indicated on the three-seater lounge and started to pull the containers out while she took the flowers out of sight.

He heard water running, a fridge door opening then shuffling of crockery and tinkling of glasses as he pulled the lids off. He almost called out to just bring some cutlery but he supposed part of the wooing process was to eat off good plates rather than straight from the containers.

Evie, her brain busy trying to fathom what Finn was up to now, was back in the lounge room in a couple of minutes, balancing a tray and the vase of flowers. Finn, who’d taken off his jacket and tie, stood and relieved her of the tray as she placed the vase on top of the television cabinet and used a remote to turn the music off. When she turned back he’d unloaded the tray and her plate was waiting for her, the napkin a bright slash of red against the snowy white pattern.

He was pouring them both sparkling water and he smiled at her as he handed her the glass. A smile that went straight to her insides. She sat towards the end of the lounge, tucking a foot up underneath her, being careful to leave a cushion’s distance between them as he asked her what she wanted then proceeded to plate it up for her, passing it and the napkin over when he was done.

She took it and sat unmoving for a few moments as he turned his attention to his own meal. When that was done he smiled at her again and then tucked in.

‘Okay,’ she said, placing her plate on the coffee table. ‘What’s going on?’

Finn, in mid-swallow, thought about feigning obtuseness as Bella had already accused him of being obtuse anyway. But he was a cards-on-the-table kind of guy.

He finished his mouthful and took a drink of water as the spicy lamb korma heated his mouth. ‘Ava thinks I should woo you.’

Evie frowned. ‘Ava? Ava Carmichael?’

Finn nodded. ‘The one and only.’

‘You’re seeing Ava?’

‘Yes. No. Not like that. We just … chat sometimes …’

Evie was lost for words. ‘I … see …’ What on earth could she say to such a startling revelation?

It was Finn’s turn to frown. ‘You don’t like it.’ He shook his head. ‘I knew it was a dumb idea,’ he muttered.

Evie shook her head. ‘No, I just …’ Just what? Was shocked, amazed, flabbergasted? That Finn Kennedy had not only asked a sex therapist for advice about their relationship but had also obviously taken it on board. ‘It’s sweet … really sweet,’ she ended lamely.

‘Great,’ Finn grumbled, as he also put his plate down. ‘Why don’t you just pat me on the head and tell me to run along?’

Evie watched as he ran a hand through his hair. This was her chance to start making inroads into his reserve. If he’d finally dropped his bullying tactics and was willing to take others’ advice he might just be open to doing things her way.

She leaned forward, resting her bent elbows on her knees. ‘I don’t want you to woo me, Finn.’

Finn gave a self-deprecating smile. ‘Probably just as well. I obviously suck at it.’

Evie laughed. ‘You were doing fine. I’m sure with a little practice you’ll be perfect.’

He glanced at her. ‘But it’s not what you want?’

She shook her head slowly. ‘How about I do you a deal? I will marry you after the baby is born if we spend these next few months getting to know each other first.’

Finn’s heart started to pound in his chest. It was the same thing she’d told him she wanted at the house. Except she’d made a major concession—she was promising to marry him. ‘You’ve changed your tune,’ he said warily.

Evie nodded. ‘I spoke to Lydia. She thinks you’re worth a little perseverance.’

Finn felt every muscle

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