Evie's Bombshell - By Amy Andrews Page 0,26

the verge of tears when she finally located Marco, who wasn’t in his rooms but was chatting to a midwife in the long corridor that ran behind the outpatients department.

‘Marco,’ she called.

He looked up and smiled at her, his joy quickly dying as he saw the distress on her face. He strode over to her.

‘Evie,’ he said with that lovely lilt of his, his hands grasping her upper arms, a frown marring his classically handsome face. He could see she was about to crumple and led her away from the busy thoroughfare into the nearby cleaning closet. It wasn’t very roomy and the door was chocked open but it was more private than outside. ‘What is wrong?’

‘I think the baby might be dead,’ she whispered, choking on a sob as she buried her face in his chest.

Finn scrolled through his contacts on his phone as he stepped out of the lift and headed for the outpatients department. He wanted to spend some time looking at the case notes for his theatre list on Monday. He found Evie’s number and hit the button as he entered the department.

His gaze wandered across to the corridor on the far side as he waited for her to pick up and that’s when he spotted them. Evie and Marco alone in some kind of supply cupboard—embracing. He fell back a little, shocked by the image, watching them from just outside the department as they pulled apart slightly and Evie fumbled in her scrubs pocket and pulled out her phone.


Finn didn’t say anything for a moment, trying to decide how he should play it. ‘It’s me,’ he said, watching her as she stayed in the shelter of Marco’s body, his arm around her shoulder. ‘I’m free for that talk now.’

Evie looked up at Marco as she grappled with a vortex of emotions

Now? He wanted to talk now?

‘Er … I can’t right now … I’m busy.’

Finn raised an eyebrow. Icy fingers crept around his heart and he leant against the nearby wall. ‘Emergency a little crazy at the moment?’

Evie nodded, grabbing the excuse he had thrown her with glee. ‘Certifiable.’

The fingers squeezed down hard. ‘I could come down there and wait for you,’ he suggested.

Alarm raced along Evie’s nerve endings. ‘No, no,’ she said. ‘I’ll give you a ring when it settles and I can meet you across at Pete’s.’

‘Okay,’ he murmured.


Finn blinked at her hasty hang-up and to torture himself a little further he watched as Marco drew her against his chest and hugged her again before walking her to his rooms, his arm firmly around her waist.

He had absolutely no idea what the hell was going on with those two but he had every intention of finding out! She’d been pretty convincing in her mortification at his inference that she and Marco were sleeping together a few days ago but maybe she was protesting too much? Maybe there was more to Marco and Evie than she was letting on?

His heart pounded as bile burned in his chest and acid flowed through his veins. He pushed off the wall and headed in their direction.

‘Finn Kennedy, well, I’ll be. I heard you were back.’

Finn stopped in mid-stride to greet Sister Enid Kenny, nurse in charge of Outpatients for about a hundred years and a true Sydney Harbour Hospital icon. She was large and matronly and no one, not even the great Finn Kennedy, messed with Enid Kenny.

If she wanted to chat, you stopped and chatted.

Unfortunately for him, as he looked over her shoulder at the closed door of Marco’s office, she was in a very chatty mood.

Evie was so relived she’d agreed to the ultrasound as she watched her baby—her baby boy—move around on the screen. Marco had been trying to convince her to have one all week but part of her had wanted to break the news to Finn before having an ultrasound, which she’d been hoping he would want to attend.

But after her scare just listening to the heartbeat wasn’t going to cut it. She needed to see him. To watch him move. To reassure herself fully. To count his fingers and toes, to see the chambers of his heart, the hemispheres of his brain.

To know everything was perfect.

Marco was very thorough doing measurements and pointing out all the things any radiographer would have and Evie felt the gut wrenching worry and the threatening hysteria ease as her little boy did indeed seem perfect.

‘Can I hear the heartbeat one more time?’ Evie asked.

Marco chuckled. ‘But

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