Every Beat of My Heart (New York Sullivans 0.5) - Bella Andre Page 0,22

ring bearers be a part of the wedding. Please welcome Atlas and Cuddles.”

Still holding Zach’s hand, Heather turned and gave a low whistle. A few moments later, Atlas and Cuddles began to trot down the aisle, the wedding bands tied with ribbons to their collars.

Seeing the two dogs together—one huge, one tiny—never failed to make Mary smile. Three hundred people obviously agreed as applause rang out. Heather and Zach had trained their dogs so well that clapping and laughter didn’t distract them from their task as they continued to walk up the aisle.

Just then, out of the corner of her eye, Mary saw a flash of golden fur near where she and Marcus were standing at the upper edge of the patio. When Atlas’s ears perked up, Mary guessed the Great Dane must have seen it too. Always alert to her dog’s behavior, Heather gave another whistle to keep his focus on her.

But a moment later, when another golden streak of fur shot by, before anyone could stop the teacup Yorkie, Cuddles was off and chasing the rabbit. Atlas was one of the most well trained dogs Mary had ever come across, but how could anyone expect him not to dash off after his best friend and two rabbits?

Zach cursed softly, then quickly kissed Heather and said, “I’ll go get them.” He was gone in a flash, in his suit, chasing the two dogs.

“I’ll help,” Ryan said. After a kiss for his bride, he was running out into the vineyard too.

Again, Mary knew she shouldn’t laugh, but seeing her two sons in their perfectly pressed wedding suits yelling for the dogs as they ran between rows of vines was something she knew she’d never forget.

“I should probably go help them, shouldn’t I?” Marcus said, amusement threading each word.

Through the laughter she was barely holding in, Mary agreed with her eldest son. “Probably. Especially since it looks like Smith, Chase, and Gabe are all already heading out in search of the dogs.”

“I would go too,” Lori said, “but I’m wearing heels.”

“You can do absolutely anything in heels,” Sophie noted.

Though it was true, Lori shot back, “I don’t exactly see you running out there to help, Soph.”

Sophie grinned at her twin. “That’s because I can barely keep from falling over in my heels even on solid ground.” She looked at Heather and Vicki next. “But if you want me to try, I can join my brothers out there. And I’ll make Lori come too.”

Fortunately, neither bride looked overly upset by what had happened. “Atlas and Cuddles will grow tired of chasing the rabbits soon, and then they’ll come back,” Heather replied. “At least, I hope they will.”

Vicki grinned at Heather. “We can always do the ceremony without the rings, and later, when the dogs are done having fun, we can slip the rings on.”

Fortunately, a great whoop rang out from the vines. “We’ve got ’em!” one of the men called out.

Zach and Ryan emerged from the vines a few moments later, victorious heroes with Cuddles safely in Zach’s arms and Atlas walking calmly beside Ryan. Seeing that neither dog was wearing a ribbon anymore, Mary hoped the rings were safely in the grooms’ pockets. Their brothers fanned out behind them, and Mary swore she heard a collective sigh from the female guests at seeing so many Sullivan men together like this.

As if they’d choreographed it, both grooms stepped back up onto the terrace and pulled the rings out of their pockets to hold them up like trophies to their brides. While the crowd continued to laugh, Heather and Vicki petted the dogs and kissed their men.

Finally, the ceremony could begin.


Neither Zach nor Ryan looked perfectly pressed anymore, but as far as Mary was concerned, it was exactly right for her car-racing and ball-playing sons. They were both just as active and energetic as their father, and somewhere, some way, she knew Jack was watching today’s wedding, laughing right along with her at how much fun it all was—and tearing up with her too.

* * *

“Thank you for bringing the dogs back,” Heather whispered into Zach’s ear while he held her tightly. He wished they could say their vows just like this, without his ever needing to let her go.

“They did it on purpose, you know,” he whispered back. “Cuddles’s sense of humor is definitely rubbing off on Atlas.”

She didn’t deny that it was true, simply laughed softly as she held him just as tightly. “Our two big goofballs.”

“Soon to be three,” he

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